February 27, 2010 1:25pm CST (Lead Paragraph updated at 9:19pm)
South America received a Magnitude 8.8 Richters earthquake early today at about 1:30AM my time. As I now edit this entry at 9:17pm the chances of much tsunami damage is now passing. . . At least it is to Japan right this moment. So, at this time I just want to update what I was talking about several hours ago when I originally wrote this paragraph and that is that in addition to all the present concerns about tsunami dangers, my regular readers should know that there might also be the chance of yet another major earthquake striking Los Angeles, Tijuana, Santa Barbara, Frisco, Oakland, Eureka, Seattle, Vancouver Island, or Alaska. Not to mention any number of other places such as Chicago, Memphis, St. Louis, Charleston, or possibly even a more unusual city?
The Grand Total for earthquakes following the Chile earthquake is at 425 Richters (Number updated also) and according to the "Gutenburg-Richter Law" all of the aftershocks will continue to get smaller and smaller until all of this seismic energy is released.
I originally started researching what causes earthquakes on the day of the Northridge, California earthquake of January 17, 1993 and amazingly found SEVERE WINTER CONDITIONS preceded that major earthquake!!! Thereafter everytime similar severe winter conditions occur, such as the 2 feet of snow all across the country, and 55mph winds prior to Northridge, I have issued my own personal "EQ Alerts" and more recently filed Official Predictions when they apply as needed to the National and California Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Councils or CEPEC and NEPEC. Please now feel free to see what my most recent writings have been including the one from last night, and get to know how the Full Moon might be connected as well. Generally when I find that I have come very close on one of these I like to just ask that you continue to follow my writings well into the future and if you especially like or were otherwise affected by one of my alerts, I would like you to follow my work into infinity or whatever. I actually expect modern science to adapt a lot of my "EQ Alert Theories" in the not too distant future, but I will continue to write at least with just my own opinion for as long as I feel like it: even if that winds up being far beyond the point where "Snowfall Resultants" become modern science. Note that if you are just joining my here in like the last six months, there is still my other type of Straight Line predictions I also routinely make or my "Go Straight Theory" anytime a major hurricane or typhoon makes landfall and does a lot of damage, I will then follow THIS TYPE of potential seismic energy in a straight line and commonly give the names of the EXACT CITY where a major earthquake might strike and have actually got now many of these exactly right and can usually get them within about 5 miles and within sometimes an hour or so!!! Ask me about the "Arrowhead Water Prediction" of the year 2000, or Fukushima/Haramachi 2003, even Katrina/Islamabad was actually within about 90 miles and the size and amount and size of aftershocks was very, very close as well. One particular one in San Francisco a couple of summers ago was almost a direct hit at like 4.1 which actually doesn't even happen that much in Frisco much yet just a day or so after my alert went out following the landfall of a big typhoon at South Japan.
I did have my entire theory posted but the site where it all was, as well as my oldest alerts is now a no longer existing social network place. I have two versions of my book "How To Predict Earthquakes" a complete and a compact edition. The Complete Edition has a Literary Agent in San Diego, and I sent some copies of the Compact Edition out to several publishers myself in the last year or so. I am presently thinking about updating the Complete Edition and editing it down to a Complete Edition 2010 or something like that, but still mostly just want all the information to be made available to the public. . . not to sell a book you understand!!! Thank-You again for reading!!! The EQ Alert Guy
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Let's Expect a Big Earthquake!!! Big Swarm also likely!!! Tonight, Saturday, and Sunday Nights
Counting down the hours till that Full Moon reaches the USA, I have to add that there have now been a couple of serious "Swarms" that have occured in the realm of the Full Moon. While some of you may find out what a swarm is in your immediate future since there very well could be one. . . I will tell the rest of you what a "Swarm" is right now: it is when we get a page or more of earthquakes (a lot of earthquakes) or as many as several pages of earthquakes in a period usually of a day or a couple days. I routinely add up the total amount of the Richters of all those earthquakes and give the grand total as what I consider to be the size of the swarm. Those totals can range from around 75 Richters for the recent February 2010 Los Angeles/Loma Linda swarm, up to 500 Richters for some major ones like we should start expecting in the coming hours!!! Thank-You for reading!!! EQ Guy
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Full Moon Sunday!!! Another Foot, Foot and a Half of snow--East Coast!!!
If you have been following my earthquake writings on a regular basis, then you already know that a Full Moon will increase the liklihood of this new upcoming major earthquake occuring on that night, which will now be Sunday night, February 28, 2010. In the hours and few days before that night, the liklihood also increases which will basically begin about tonight. Moons are not one of my original things that I have routinely used, and so I don't have the exact number of days and hours, but can say that we have narrowed down this correlation to the fact that Full Moons bring higher tides and that much more "Weight on the Tectonic Plate" usually near a tectonic plate boundary, some of these which are already on alert and subject to my most recent Official Prediction. So, there is still one major alert yet and it looks like they are getting about another foot, foot-and-a-half of snow on our East Coast so if you are in one of the shaky areas covered by that Official Prediction. . . you should continue to watch more towards the end of March, now, and remember the Great Alaska Earthquake was March 27, 1964, so we might start using March 27 for the all clear date or whatever you would like to call it!!! And Thank-You, again, for reading!!! The EQ Alert Guy
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
On December 20, 2009, I submitted my first Official Prediction to The California Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council since back in the year 2008. In this Official Prediction I stated that a major earthquake would be like a hundred percent sure thing for the State of California before January 12, 2010. Eureka, California got hit by such a major earthquake on January 9, 2010 and at 4:00pm on the last day of that Official Prediction, the country of Haiti was struck by a major earthquake that has killed as many as 200,000 or more people. By my submitting to this California organization I am not always saying necessarily per se, that all of this potential for a major earthquake is heading only for California; or likewise from submitting to the National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council, I am not trying to always limit the scope of an Official Prediction to the U.S., especially in this case where we are talking about movement of the North American Tectonic Plate where some of the boundaries contact other countries all together. Therefore, I want both CEPEC and NEPEC to understand that Haiti was at or very near the Southeast corner of this tectonic plate and I believe the major earthquake they received at Haiti on January 12, 2010 was due to the movement I discussed in my Official Prediction of December 20,. 2009 and should be considered to have been well within the parameters set fourth by that Official Prediction. Additionally I now want to slingshot the forward momentum created by that incredible accuracy into a certain amount of new respect for this Brand New Official Prediction for a new major earthquake to strike California. This brand new Official Prediction will be in effect through March 4, 2010. A date that is simply placed a nominal amount of days, or exactly 21 days, beyond the onset of those most severe of winter conditions received on the East Coast of the United States last week.
The conditions that existed in the days before my now great Official Prediction of December 20, 2009 were so severe that they probably initially served as a reminder to me of the same extreme winter conditions that I found to have preceded the great Northridge, California earthquake of the year 1993. It was for that reason that at my earliest convenience I submitted that now great Official Prediction to both the California Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council or CEPEC, as well as the National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council, or NEPEC in my attempt to cover mostly California and like the West Coast of the United States. . . Obviously knowing parts of the North American Tectonic Plate also reach areas such as the Caribbean and like Mexico, and etc.
It was originally on the day of the great Northridge, California earthquake that I wanted to help out the people of Southern California somehow and decided that looking into the things that preceded that earthquake would be a realistic task that I could fairly easily accomplish up here in Wisconsin. Today, I feel it is fairly widely known that I found severe winter conditions to have been what preceded that earthquake and so as a result I have now routinely sent out alerts whenever such extreme conditions as great amounts of snow, high winds, and extreme cold temperatures ever again happen. Note that the rest of the year hurricanes, typhoons, and tornadoes produce severe conditions that generate potential seismic activity, but in order to truncate this paper, I want to focus on winter, and skip the conditions that do not presently exist as a part of this Official Prediction.
In addition to my discovery of the Northridge, California earthquake of 1993 being preceded by those severe winter conditions, I want to point out several other of the biggest earthquakes of all time that have also been caused by, or at best preceded by severe winter conditions of different degrees. The great New Madrid earthquake of the years 1811 and 1812 was actually a series of like about three major earthquakes that all struck in December, January, and February. The great Alaska earthquake of 1964 occurred on March 27 and was preceded by the most severe winter conditions ever to strike the Mississippi Valley, and Great Lakes region. This great blizzard of March 4, and 5, 1964 started in the Southwest and spread across the Great Plains leaving more than a foot of snow in some areas and mountainous drifts. 8 inches of snow fell in four hours at Quincy, Illinois with 65 mph winds recorded in Buffalo, New York. On March 6, 1964 there was a couple found dead in a car buried under snow by a plow somewhere. A cold wave followed all of the snow with temperatures as low as 5 degrees. This cold weather went on through the first day of spring with temperatures far below normal. I should mention that there was also a series of tornadoes that struck in 6 Southern states, killing 11 and injuring 40. Those states were Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Kentucky; this event would have also wrecked havoc with the movement of the North American Tectonic Plate in those days preceding the great Alaska earthquake of March 27, 1964
Come December of the year 2003, I had already begun sending my “EQ Alert” out to different people via E-Mail. This is one of the more recent examples of the severe winter conditions that I have been discussing and it became one of my most well documented, having been mentioned in a number of now famous E-Mails. Then, on December 23, 2003 there was a major earthquake at Paso Robles, California. One of my saved E-Mails from that episode is an actual “EQ Alert” discussing the events that were eventually to come. Coincidentally, at the same time in the year 2003 there had just been a landfall of Super Cyclone Debbie at Australia and so I had a very early experience of actually tracking two different and separate sources of potential seismic energy at the SAME TIME!!! The result of the landfall of Super Cyclone Debbie with the 200 mph winds was a massive earthquake that struck Bam, Iran on like December 24 or 26, 2003 and killing around 40,000 people. This was the movement of the Indian Ocean/Australian Tectonic Plate which I will not delve into here, but also played a part in my tracking of the Tropical Cyclone Myanmar/Great China Earthquake as well as the Hurricane Katrina/Islamabad thing that I also wrote about in the days before 90,000 people died there. Sumatra 2004 was also that tectonic plate moving and I had sent out a “Big EQ Alert” dated just a couple days before that one struck, too.
Finally, there were the severe winter conditions of December 2009 that were evidently severe enough for me to write and submit my very first Official Prediction to CEPEC since August 2008. With, of course, the major earthquake at the California Triple Tectonic Plate Junction shaking Eureka, California on January 9, 2010. I want to note here that my own personal memory of the series of events is that Tampa, Florida had just broken their all time record for the longest series of cold days about 24 hours before the earthquake in Haiti struck on January 12, 2010 the final day of my most recent and greatest Official Prediction so far, of December 20, 2009.
In conclusion it is my belief that with this Brand New Official Prediction it is time for CEPEC, and NEPEC to take some kind of action towards letting the people of The Great State of California, as well as like Oregon, and Seattle, etc., know that we now have at best a little bit of a hunch that there might be a major earthquake heading for them!!! I personally see no reason why this matter should not be discussed with Henry Renteria or whomever is currently the Chair at CEPEC and some kind of action be taken whether it involves stepping up routine preparedness reminders on radio, TV, and in newspapers, or organizing teams around the state and simply asking them to be prepared to move at a moments notice and have batteries in their flashlights, etc. One thing I always think of is to start having tools kept handy so they don’t have to be dug out of the garage where they are buried beneath coolers and chicken wire and that. Tell this to the people, already!!! Have the chain saws and crow bars out where they can just grab them!!! I have been tracking this sort of potential seismic energy for far too long to just sit back and watch the hands on the clock turn, waiting for a major disaster such as we just stood back and watched hundreds of thousands die at Haiti. None of us wants to wake up to find that we failed to alert the people of Los Angeles, or San Francisco that we KNEW there was potential seismic energy heading for that tectonic plate boundary such as we know right now!!! It is my job mostly to notify CEPEC, and NEPEC; it is the job of THOSE ORGANIZATIONS to come up with a plan!!!
Both of the places hit by major earthquakes within my last Official Prediction could very well be struck by MAJOR AFTERSHOCKS in the timeframe of this Brand New Official Prediction. Other areas that should we should be concerned about are Paso Robles, Seattle, Oregon, Nevada, and Alaska.
Central America, Mexico, and the Northern areas of South America will be in some immediate danger of the North American Tectonic Plate moving in those directions as well since the very bottom of the North American tectonic plate extends to about those regions. And while Vancouver, British Columbia up in Canada also falls under this alert for major seismic activity, it probably has less of a chance of being the epicenter due to a lot of major earthquakes striking areas offshore there and not that city directly. Although weight on the tectonic plate can cause the earth to move such as the World Series earthquake and the routine filling of reservoirs like the Three Gorges in China.
This Major Earthquake could be as large now as 8.3 Richters and could very well strike at any of those locations before March 4, 2010. Beyond that date, March 4th, 2010, this alert will extend to regions more miles from the areas heaviest impacted by great amounts of snowfall, such as Hawaii, Alaska, and Japan. Down the road, if none of these immediate areas have moved in the manner described it will next, then increase the chances of something such as a great earthquake/tsunami occurring out in the Indonesia Region further into the month of March.
Please alert the people that we know there is potential seismic energy out there heading for somebody, somewhere!!!!! It is difficult to hear of such a great tragedy striking when we know that the movement of these tectonic plates is potentially SO DANGEROUS!!! We need to be doing something right now, people!!!
Respectfully Submitted,
Les Brown,
Carpenter, Actor, Writer, Event Security, EQ Alert Guy
Herein submitted on this 16th day of February 2010.
Last edited on February 16, 2010 at 1:08am
On December 20, 2009, I submitted my first Official Prediction to The California Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council since back in the year 2008. In this Official Prediction I stated that a major earthquake would be like a hundred percent sure thing for the State of California before January 12, 2010. Eureka, California got hit by such a major earthquake on January 9, 2010 and at 4:00pm on the last day of that Official Prediction, the country of Haiti was struck by a major earthquake that has killed as many as 200,000 or more people. By my submitting to this California organization I am not always saying necessarily per se, that all of this potential for a major earthquake is heading only for California; or likewise from submitting to the National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council, I am not trying to always limit the scope of an Official Prediction to the U.S., especially in this case where we are talking about movement of the North American Tectonic Plate where some of the boundaries contact other countries all together. Therefore, I want both CEPEC and NEPEC to understand that Haiti was at or very near the Southeast corner of this tectonic plate and I believe the major earthquake they received at Haiti on January 12, 2010 was due to the movement I discussed in my Official Prediction of December 20,. 2009 and should be considered to have been well within the parameters set fourth by that Official Prediction. Additionally I now want to slingshot the forward momentum created by that incredible accuracy into a certain amount of new respect for this Brand New Official Prediction for a new major earthquake to strike California. This brand new Official Prediction will be in effect through March 4, 2010. A date that is simply placed a nominal amount of days, or exactly 21 days, beyond the onset of those most severe of winter conditions received on the East Coast of the United States last week.
The conditions that existed in the days before my now great Official Prediction of December 20, 2009 were so severe that they probably initially served as a reminder to me of the same extreme winter conditions that I found to have preceded the great Northridge, California earthquake of the year 1993. It was for that reason that at my earliest convenience I submitted that now great Official Prediction to both the California Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council or CEPEC, as well as the National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council, or NEPEC in my attempt to cover mostly California and like the West Coast of the United States. . . Obviously knowing parts of the North American Tectonic Plate also reach areas such as the Caribbean and like Mexico, and etc.
It was originally on the day of the great Northridge, California earthquake that I wanted to help out the people of Southern California somehow and decided that looking into the things that preceded that earthquake would be a realistic task that I could fairly easily accomplish up here in Wisconsin. Today, I feel it is fairly widely known that I found severe winter conditions to have been what preceded that earthquake and so as a result I have now routinely sent out alerts whenever such extreme conditions as great amounts of snow, high winds, and extreme cold temperatures ever again happen. Note that the rest of the year hurricanes, typhoons, and tornadoes produce severe conditions that generate potential seismic activity, but in order to truncate this paper, I want to focus on winter, and skip the conditions that do not presently exist as a part of this Official Prediction.
In addition to my discovery of the Northridge, California earthquake of 1993 being preceded by those severe winter conditions, I want to point out several other of the biggest earthquakes of all time that have also been caused by, or at best preceded by severe winter conditions of different degrees. The great New Madrid earthquake of the years 1811 and 1812 was actually a series of like about three major earthquakes that all struck in December, January, and February. The great Alaska earthquake of 1964 occurred on March 27 and was preceded by the most severe winter conditions ever to strike the Mississippi Valley, and Great Lakes region. This great blizzard of March 4, and 5, 1964 started in the Southwest and spread across the Great Plains leaving more than a foot of snow in some areas and mountainous drifts. 8 inches of snow fell in four hours at Quincy, Illinois with 65 mph winds recorded in Buffalo, New York. On March 6, 1964 there was a couple found dead in a car buried under snow by a plow somewhere. A cold wave followed all of the snow with temperatures as low as 5 degrees. This cold weather went on through the first day of spring with temperatures far below normal. I should mention that there was also a series of tornadoes that struck in 6 Southern states, killing 11 and injuring 40. Those states were Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Kentucky; this event would have also wrecked havoc with the movement of the North American Tectonic Plate in those days preceding the great Alaska earthquake of March 27, 1964
Come December of the year 2003, I had already begun sending my “EQ Alert” out to different people via E-Mail. This is one of the more recent examples of the severe winter conditions that I have been discussing and it became one of my most well documented, having been mentioned in a number of now famous E-Mails. Then, on December 23, 2003 there was a major earthquake at Paso Robles, California. One of my saved E-Mails from that episode is an actual “EQ Alert” discussing the events that were eventually to come. Coincidentally, at the same time in the year 2003 there had just been a landfall of Super Cyclone Debbie at Australia and so I had a very early experience of actually tracking two different and separate sources of potential seismic energy at the SAME TIME!!! The result of the landfall of Super Cyclone Debbie with the 200 mph winds was a massive earthquake that struck Bam, Iran on like December 24 or 26, 2003 and killing around 40,000 people. This was the movement of the Indian Ocean/Australian Tectonic Plate which I will not delve into here, but also played a part in my tracking of the Tropical Cyclone Myanmar/Great China Earthquake as well as the Hurricane Katrina/Islamabad thing that I also wrote about in the days before 90,000 people died there. Sumatra 2004 was also that tectonic plate moving and I had sent out a “Big EQ Alert” dated just a couple days before that one struck, too.
Finally, there were the severe winter conditions of December 2009 that were evidently severe enough for me to write and submit my very first Official Prediction to CEPEC since August 2008. With, of course, the major earthquake at the California Triple Tectonic Plate Junction shaking Eureka, California on January 9, 2010. I want to note here that my own personal memory of the series of events is that Tampa, Florida had just broken their all time record for the longest series of cold days about 24 hours before the earthquake in Haiti struck on January 12, 2010 the final day of my most recent and greatest Official Prediction so far, of December 20, 2009.
In conclusion it is my belief that with this Brand New Official Prediction it is time for CEPEC, and NEPEC to take some kind of action towards letting the people of The Great State of California, as well as like Oregon, and Seattle, etc., know that we now have at best a little bit of a hunch that there might be a major earthquake heading for them!!! I personally see no reason why this matter should not be discussed with Henry Renteria or whomever is currently the Chair at CEPEC and some kind of action be taken whether it involves stepping up routine preparedness reminders on radio, TV, and in newspapers, or organizing teams around the state and simply asking them to be prepared to move at a moments notice and have batteries in their flashlights, etc. One thing I always think of is to start having tools kept handy so they don’t have to be dug out of the garage where they are buried beneath coolers and chicken wire and that. Tell this to the people, already!!! Have the chain saws and crow bars out where they can just grab them!!! I have been tracking this sort of potential seismic energy for far too long to just sit back and watch the hands on the clock turn, waiting for a major disaster such as we just stood back and watched hundreds of thousands die at Haiti. None of us wants to wake up to find that we failed to alert the people of Los Angeles, or San Francisco that we KNEW there was potential seismic energy heading for that tectonic plate boundary such as we know right now!!! It is my job mostly to notify CEPEC, and NEPEC; it is the job of THOSE ORGANIZATIONS to come up with a plan!!!
Both of the places hit by major earthquakes within my last Official Prediction could very well be struck by MAJOR AFTERSHOCKS in the timeframe of this Brand New Official Prediction. Other areas that should we should be concerned about are Paso Robles, Seattle, Oregon, Nevada, and Alaska.
Central America, Mexico, and the Northern areas of South America will be in some immediate danger of the North American Tectonic Plate moving in those directions as well since the very bottom of the North American tectonic plate extends to about those regions. And while Vancouver, British Columbia up in Canada also falls under this alert for major seismic activity, it probably has less of a chance of being the epicenter due to a lot of major earthquakes striking areas offshore there and not that city directly. Although weight on the tectonic plate can cause the earth to move such as the World Series earthquake and the routine filling of reservoirs like the Three Gorges in China.
This Major Earthquake could be as large now as 8.3 Richters and could very well strike at any of those locations before March 4, 2010. Beyond that date, March 4th, 2010, this alert will extend to regions more miles from the areas heaviest impacted by great amounts of snowfall, such as Hawaii, Alaska, and Japan. Down the road, if none of these immediate areas have moved in the manner described it will next, then increase the chances of something such as a great earthquake/tsunami occurring out in the Indonesia Region further into the month of March.
Please alert the people that we know there is potential seismic energy out there heading for somebody, somewhere!!!!! It is difficult to hear of such a great tragedy striking when we know that the movement of these tectonic plates is potentially SO DANGEROUS!!! We need to be doing something right now, people!!!
Respectfully Submitted,
Les Brown,
Carpenter, Actor, Writer, Event Security, EQ Alert Guy
Herein submitted on this 16th day of February 2010.
Last edited on February 16, 2010 at 1:08am
Friday, February 12, 2010
February 12, 2010
Les Brown
I am writing today to let you know that there is now presently a very good chance that we will now be getting a Brand New Major Earthquake!!! This notice is being filed with the California Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council and the National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council, but as was the case with the recent Haiti Earthquake that also happened inside the window of my last O.P., this one will also apply to a number of regions that lay outside of the jurisdictions of both of the above named Prediction Councils. Again, as I say in my writings, other places also are in need of such Prediction Councils in order to be served by folks like myself, who routinely track all of the potential seismic activity all around the world. Prediction Councils; such as a “Caribbean Nations Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council,” or “Central America Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council” could then receive writings such as my major writing of December 20, 2009.
Today, I will only have time to notify the CEPEC, and NEPEC that I am now expecting all of the newest severe winter conditions on the East Coast of the United States to cause a great deal more movement of the North American Tectonic Plate and that this could easily lead to MAJOR AFTERSHOCKS at Eureka, California, as well as the area around Haiti. Other areas that should probably be concerned, primarily due to this writing being submitted to them, are SAN FRANCISCO, Los Angeles, Paso Robles, Seattle, Oregon, and Las Vegas, Reno, Nevada, Alaska. Central America, Mexico, and the Northern areas of South America will be in some immediate danger of the North American Tectonic Plate moving in those directions as well since the very bottom of the North American tectonic plate extends to about those regions. Vancouver, Canada also falls under this alert for major seismic activity.
This letter should probably be considered another Official Prediction due to the fact that while it is an alert for a new upcoming MAJOR EARTHQUAKE, you may also consider it an “Official Prediction” just the same, because while alerting the people that there probably is now an upcoming major earthquake. . . I am also in essence “Predicting” this.
This Major Earthquake could be as large now as 8.3 Richters and will strike at one of the above named locations in the next 20 days or so, or by approximately March 4, 2010. Beyond that date this alert will extend to regions more miles from the areas heaviest impacted by great amounts of snowfall, such as Hawaii, Alaska, and Japan, as well as great earthquake/tsunami dangers out in the Indonesia Region into the month of March.
Thank-You for accepting this submission!!!
Les Brown
The EQ Alert Guy
Les Brown
I am writing today to let you know that there is now presently a very good chance that we will now be getting a Brand New Major Earthquake!!! This notice is being filed with the California Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council and the National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council, but as was the case with the recent Haiti Earthquake that also happened inside the window of my last O.P., this one will also apply to a number of regions that lay outside of the jurisdictions of both of the above named Prediction Councils. Again, as I say in my writings, other places also are in need of such Prediction Councils in order to be served by folks like myself, who routinely track all of the potential seismic activity all around the world. Prediction Councils; such as a “Caribbean Nations Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council,” or “Central America Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council” could then receive writings such as my major writing of December 20, 2009.
Today, I will only have time to notify the CEPEC, and NEPEC that I am now expecting all of the newest severe winter conditions on the East Coast of the United States to cause a great deal more movement of the North American Tectonic Plate and that this could easily lead to MAJOR AFTERSHOCKS at Eureka, California, as well as the area around Haiti. Other areas that should probably be concerned, primarily due to this writing being submitted to them, are SAN FRANCISCO, Los Angeles, Paso Robles, Seattle, Oregon, and Las Vegas, Reno, Nevada, Alaska. Central America, Mexico, and the Northern areas of South America will be in some immediate danger of the North American Tectonic Plate moving in those directions as well since the very bottom of the North American tectonic plate extends to about those regions. Vancouver, Canada also falls under this alert for major seismic activity.
This letter should probably be considered another Official Prediction due to the fact that while it is an alert for a new upcoming MAJOR EARTHQUAKE, you may also consider it an “Official Prediction” just the same, because while alerting the people that there probably is now an upcoming major earthquake. . . I am also in essence “Predicting” this.
This Major Earthquake could be as large now as 8.3 Richters and will strike at one of the above named locations in the next 20 days or so, or by approximately March 4, 2010. Beyond that date this alert will extend to regions more miles from the areas heaviest impacted by great amounts of snowfall, such as Hawaii, Alaska, and Japan, as well as great earthquake/tsunami dangers out in the Indonesia Region into the month of March.
Thank-You for accepting this submission!!!
Les Brown
The EQ Alert Guy
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Good Foreshock!!! Chicago Area!!!! The Big One is Coming!!!!!
Yes, if you are just starting out following The EQ Alert Guy, then this new upcoming GREAT EARTHQUAKE, can now be your very first look at how my "EQ Alert Theory" works!!!!! It starts with some most severe weather leading up to it and as a person on my EQ Facebook said recently, all the new severe weather on our East Coast should mean another big shaker!!!
I will update this in the coming hours and days with more info, but for now, the ground shaking near Chicago tells me that the North American Tectonic Plate is again moving, so watch out all areas out along the Tectonic Plate Boundaries, including California!!! I might expect this earthquake to reach 8 Richters Magnitude!!! I always say the number a little higher to keep above what it will probably be. And there is still those two Tropical Cyclones out there so watch out at the top of the Indian Ocean Tectonic Plate, too!!! Kathmandu, Kashmir, and Nepal.
EQ Guy
I will update this in the coming hours and days with more info, but for now, the ground shaking near Chicago tells me that the North American Tectonic Plate is again moving, so watch out all areas out along the Tectonic Plate Boundaries, including California!!! I might expect this earthquake to reach 8 Richters Magnitude!!! I always say the number a little higher to keep above what it will probably be. And there is still those two Tropical Cyclones out there so watch out at the top of the Indian Ocean Tectonic Plate, too!!! Kathmandu, Kashmir, and Nepal.
EQ Guy
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Probably a Major Earthquake Coming, Now!!!
The latest info on the new East Coast Snowstorm is that there were a number of areas where 3 feet of snow was recorded. I also heard it reported that there have been some fairly cold temperatures and combined these conditions could easily reproduce the same type and amount of seismic activity recently released in the Eureka and Haiti earthquakes. This time I am not really expecting repeats in either of those locations, although I suppose it might be possible that there could now be major aftershocks at those locations.
I am really rather thinking the Northern portion of South America as well as like Panama and Costa Rica for this new upcoming Major Earthquake of as high as about 7.9 Richters Magnitude. I will write more about this in the coming days and this new potential seismic activity should strike before like the end of February, or as a rule about the next three weeks or so for South and Central America.
Thank-You, again for reading!!! The EQ Alert Guy
I am really rather thinking the Northern portion of South America as well as like Panama and Costa Rica for this new upcoming Major Earthquake of as high as about 7.9 Richters Magnitude. I will write more about this in the coming days and this new potential seismic activity should strike before like the end of February, or as a rule about the next three weeks or so for South and Central America.
Thank-You, again for reading!!! The EQ Alert Guy
Friday, February 5, 2010
More Seismic Energy Coming!!!!!!! Alaska?????
Here is the latest image of Tropical Cyclone Oli in the Pacific:

It was heading almost due south in this shot as of noon central time today and so it occured to me to let everybody know that there will NOW probably be even more medium to major earthquakes coming in the coming hours since this shot is of Oli making landfall at a series of small islands a couple hundred miles from Tahiti, which i am still rather unfamiliar with right at this moment. But i can tell you that this huge storm striking the plate at that location will cause the Pacific Tectonic Plate to MOVE. . . and who knows what is going to happen! What I do know is this will basically move the entire Pacific Plate south and that Alaska is far to the NORTH, possibly causing the same sort of movement that just occured at Haiti, except with the plates moving in the other direction if that is possible! This will also increase the chances for other fault lines along the edge of the Pacific to be moving in the very near future as well as whomever is directly out in front of this straight line created by this now major wind storm!!! I will try to update this alert as soon as i know more, Thank-You!!! EQ Guy

It was heading almost due south in this shot as of noon central time today and so it occured to me to let everybody know that there will NOW probably be even more medium to major earthquakes coming in the coming hours since this shot is of Oli making landfall at a series of small islands a couple hundred miles from Tahiti, which i am still rather unfamiliar with right at this moment. But i can tell you that this huge storm striking the plate at that location will cause the Pacific Tectonic Plate to MOVE. . . and who knows what is going to happen! What I do know is this will basically move the entire Pacific Plate south and that Alaska is far to the NORTH, possibly causing the same sort of movement that just occured at Haiti, except with the plates moving in the other direction if that is possible! This will also increase the chances for other fault lines along the edge of the Pacific to be moving in the very near future as well as whomever is directly out in front of this straight line created by this now major wind storm!!! I will try to update this alert as soon as i know more, Thank-You!!! EQ Guy
Thursday, February 4, 2010
New Alert!!! Pacific Tectonic Plate!!!!!
There is now presently a major Tropical Cyclone spinning out in the Pacific Ocean like several hundred miles east of Peru/Chile in that region. Yesterday the Easter Island region had two medium sized earthquakes that I like to consider foreshocks of a new upcoming medium sized shaker that COULD be larger. Name of storm is Tropical Cyclone Oli, I view these at www.hurricanezone.net (links never work on blogspot)
The latest info on this Tropical Cyclone was that it is forcast to increase in speed and as of this latest shot of it, it is skirting those islands that I was unable to positively identify, French Polynesia? Tahiti? Bora Bora??? Therefore, until I complete all my necessary research on this severe weather system, I will be unable to say more accurately where this new upcoming potential sesimic energy might strike, but for now Santiago, Chile, Ecuador and Panama, Costa Rica, Mexico seem obvious. Thank-You again for reading and an update should follow this week or next!
The latest info on this Tropical Cyclone was that it is forcast to increase in speed and as of this latest shot of it, it is skirting those islands that I was unable to positively identify, French Polynesia? Tahiti? Bora Bora??? Therefore, until I complete all my necessary research on this severe weather system, I will be unable to say more accurately where this new upcoming potential sesimic energy might strike, but for now Santiago, Chile, Ecuador and Panama, Costa Rica, Mexico seem obvious. Thank-You again for reading and an update should follow this week or next!
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