I have been tracking potential seismic activity now for going on 20 years and have noticed the number of views is going way up at this blog over about the last six months or so. Please scroll down to view some of my best blog entries of all time, including a complete copy of my “Official Prediction” from December 22, 2009 which was effective through January 12, 2010 today the day of the Great Haiti earthquake!!! The 2010 Eureka earthquake also struck on January 9. And Thank-You, everybody for reading!!!
There are any number of websites that discuss the dangers of using microwave ovens and I have narrowed down those dangers mostly to heating just plain old water since they say all the most dangerous molecules absorb directly into the water and I believe they then absorb directly into your blood, where heated lasagna won’t immediately absorb, rather it will sit in your stomach a lot longer. The hot water quickly runs through your system and heats your body, and cruising through the smallest capillaries is where it might have that effect. (I’m thinking radioactive molecules park there???) The smallest “Blood Veins” are found in some of the organs such as the lungs, breast, organs, etc. A cancer doctor actually told me once that my own acne was also caused be these smallest veins clogging at that point, AND that if these “cysts” had been found ANYWHERE else they would be cancer!!! (possible that smoking further damages these small blood vessels and they’ll clog even easier, while tar enters the stomach and then the blood, traveling back to the lungs via that route?) Today, I routinely drink a lot of black tea to keep my bowels moving since during the late eighties I discovered jobs without easy access to a bathroom caused my acne to flare up dramatically. . . And other jobs where I would be working just feet from a bathroom my acne virtually didn’t exist!!! Since those days drinking lots of tea on my off time and keeping my bowels moving efficiently has kept my skin FREE of any cysts at all. It is my belief that these two procedures will virtually end most of the cystic connection to cancer. There is also a skin test that doctors did where they take different basic things that might be a concern of making you “Break Out” such as coffee, milk, eggs, alcohol, fish, etc., (I have to edit in at this point, those things DO CAUSE red bumps, but check your life for additional things YOU might be sensative to. One way is issolate each thing you suspect and quit the use of, such as Ketchup, or Molassas or whatever you really love; but know you might break out from) and they prepare such a mixture into a “Skin Test” and inject each into a location on your arm and circle it and number it with a pen. (a test that they admit is dangerous and that they might need to excise a red spot immediately so keep a watch on these) A person can probably ask any doctor about this test if you think it might be helpful. Next, watch for a few days and I actually had at least two of them cause red bumps!!! Yes, you could be “Allergic” to something and it can also be causing those “Red Bumps.” (Your own specific things that cause it, may vary but doctors should ask you to review what things you intake or come in contact with and go from there) All of this is simply just my own opinion as a person with no medical training, it is just the type of information that one patient might tell another person about in such a way as to describe his own medical history to any other person. There is NOT necessarily any basis for any of this information, so do not necessarily drink tea!!!!! (or take Ex-Lax!!!) (I have to edit in right here that bowels and proper digestion are probably the cause, subsequently things will enter your blood stream when working so much farther from a bathroom) Personally I do not even like to be near a microwave oven and after mom had some of her parts removed due to precancerous tumors we have taken our microwave oven completely OUT, and my sister now has it. Moms doctor actually complimented her in the years since that surgery since she has never had a problem again!!!
Thank-You, again, everybody for reading my Earthquake Blog, and please keep in touch with it on like a weekly basis in order to help me alert the people next time there is potential seismic activity heading for them!!!!! Always, The EQ Alert Guy