Monday, April 7, 2008

Latest EQ Alert--No Activity!!!


April 6, 2008

To: All EQ Alert People
From: The EQ Alert Guy

I’ve just checked out the latest earthquakes on the website of the National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC), and see there hasn’t been too much going on as far as earthquakes is concerned. As a result I want to just write a short note today to continue what I formerly called my “All Clear,” but that I no longer formerly call it that.
Although there have been one or two rather small tornadoes like this week, these did not appear to be the devastatingly large ones that do the kind of damage which I feel would necessitate one of my alerts, rather you might notice just some more smaller 5 Richter Magnitude earthquakes around the edge of the Pacific Tectonic Plate and etc., and there have been NO hurricanes, typhoons, or tropical cyclones at all.
If you check out the map of current Hurricanes and Typhoons at you will notice that as of this writing there is NOTHING on the screen where there would be yellow and red lines delineating the lines of active windstorms if there were any. I believe this to also indicate very little potential seismic activity anywhere in the world, major seismic activity anyways.
Otherwise, I don’t have anything else to say right now, I’m building a timber fence on my moms “Back 40” and am going to put a big sign out there with a couple of 8 foot timbers and a 12 footer across the top and hang the sign there at the entrance to the three vacant lots we bought a few years ago. I’m painting the sign brown with white letters to look like the entrance to a state part or something, it will say “The Back 40.”
If there still isn’t any potential seismic energy yet this week….. I have a copy of what my acting resume would look like if I put every single thing I’ve worked on, and I might just post that, it’s like 3 pages, but it’s good reading, if I say so myself!!!
Thank-You, again for reading!!!

Les Brown,
Writer, Actor, Carpenter, EQ Guy

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