Tuesday, September 16, 2008


September 16, 2008

To: All EQ Alert People
From: Les Brown, The EQ Alert Guy

I am currently now watching for this upcoming MAJOR EARTHQUAKE to be about the biggest earthquake to strike The United States in as many years as I can recall. Probably bigger than your Northridge or Loma Prieta World Series earthquakes, and if you can imagine this, I am thinking that this one could be as big as the Great Long Beach, San Francisco or Alaska earthquakes!!!
Primarily heading straight on for Seattle or rather the area between Seattle and the border with Canada, and on to the very south tip of Alaska say Anchorage but crossing along the Alaska Islands and to Japan where it fully crosses this very shaky country.
I want everybody who is reading this now to be well aware that I consider it virtually a sure thing that one of these places will soon be the site of one of the most serious disasters in modern history and that two of them are within the U.S. I can’t remember ever having one as serious as this bearing down directly on so many of our neighbors to the north and perhaps even some of you who are reading this message right now!!! We will all be very sorry for the people of Japan as well, if all of this potential seismic energy should reach all the way to their Island, it would be very bad!!!
So, between now and the days to come which could be immediately for Seattle or Boise-Yellowstone, please help me Alert The People that there IS A MAJOR EARTHQUAKE heading for them and on a straight line for Seattle!!! And then Alaska!!! And then later in the month, Japan!!! I have actually been warned NOT to give the actual magnitude of this earthquake, it is SO BIG!!!
Thank-You all again for whatever you can do to help the people of Seattle to be prepared, because I have been right in that region many, many times and I think I am probably going to be right again this time.

Les Brown,
The EQ Alert Guy

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