Saturday, September 21, 2013

4.9 Richters Near Landers, Wyoming!!!!! Be Watching For More!!! Be Prepared Wyoming/Montana!!!

This apparently just happened in the last hour as I write at 8:45am Central Time on Saturday Morning! Appears to have been a 4.9 Richters Earthquake about a hundred miles south of Yellowstone in an area with towns such as Landers and Riverton that I have visited traveling through that region. I am very sorry to have to repost my recent Official Prediction that includes Helena, Montana exactly about 300 miles due north of todays early morning epicenter. I also have to update the fact that the imaginary line of potential earthquake energy that I follow might actually pass very near Casper, Wyoming and that it is always impossible to list every single town the line passes through, but I can tell you the line does sort of go from Helena to New Madrid so exactly where it passes Landers will most likely still only be the tolerance or difference slight. Here is the link to that Official Prediction that I am working off today:

Felt Reports have so far come in from Landers-8, and one each from Riverton, Rock Springs, and Farson.

There might be more earthquakes in that area and I am not a seismologist or geologist and therefore do not have anything else that I can say about this matter. I worked most of my life at a junkyard and as a Union Carpenter and as an actor and writer. It is however my own personal opinion that there may be a Major Earthquake striking up in that area and it is a possibility however remote, that todays early morning 4.9 is a foreshock for a rare 6 or 7 Magnitude Earthquake. I do not know if such an event were to happen. . . if the epicenter would be at or near Landers, or if it could be Yellowstone, or Helena. On my watch such events as this have ushered in an earthquake such as Haiti in the coming hours due to movements of huge chunks of tectonic plate, but don't let your guard down, Wyoming and Montana!!! Be Prepared such as spending the afternoon out on the porch or in the backyard enjoying the first day of autumn! Then, after a few hours I think the immediate risk of any aftershocks will subside and by Monday Morning you all can go on about your lives hopefully with the thought of big giant earthquakes in the past.

Thank-You For Reading and Be Prepared!!! EQ Guy