Friday, February 20, 2015

Winter Conditions Go From Worse, To Even Worse Now!!! Records Set For Extreme Cold Will Guarantee Major Earthquakes!!!

Yet another in the latest series of Major Earthquakes to strike Japan right around the nearby epicenter of the big 2011 Honshu Earthquake that happens to be coming up on March 11. . . and I am surely waiting for the next big Earthquake/Tsunami Event to swamp that country!!! Here is the list from the last several days at Earthquake Central: I will probably keep that list up-to-date if they persist, now onto todays other earthquake stuff.

MANY times now in the course of me watching along the route of where there is supposedly all of this "Major Earthquake Energy" just out of the blue there have been these "Meteor" type of things spotted directly along these routes! Well, here we go again because I could hardly believe it when first thing Thursday Morning the latest huge asteroid was seen during the night crossing over Pennsylvania!!! Here is a link to that meteor that traveled from New York but not sure what direction through Pennsylvania@ Sure, it's not all that unusual of a site all by itself, but just the fact that they seem to be somehow connected to such large earthquakes that we are watching for to appear? Nearest I can figure is that it may be some form of static electricity that travels like a bolt of lightning from all the potential earthquake energy and across the tectonic plate towards California! Then, the earthquake strikes when the proverbial bolt of lightning reaches the plate boundary. Maybe it was what they call "Ball Lightning"? Or would that be a lightning ball crossing the sky there?

If you have not had a chance to check out my brand new Official Prediction, here's a link to the latest Official Prediction: West Coast, California, or Alaska with a possible range of 6.6 to 7.6 Richters and probably before March 21, 2015 @ Basically I mostly explain how I discovered the correlation on the day of the Northridge Earthquake and have had a few GREAT Alerts and Official Predictions since that day.

The Severe Winter Conditions seem to now be continuing if not WORSENING!!! Can hardly believe all of the records broken for new record low temperatures all across the U.S.!!! You might have even heard me say that we got a LOT of snow. . . now hear me say we are getting record COLD!!! Well, yes the two do combine and this will indeed mean there is almost certain to be a Major Earthquake!!! Be Prepared!!!!! EQ Guy

Getting LOTS of views on this weeks EQ Video Log about a possible Major East Coast Earthquake (and possible tsunami:) at Youtube:

Check Out My E-Book "Bringing Earthquakes To Life" @ Thank-You For Reading!!! EQ Guy

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