Tuesday, November 5, 2019

New Big Alert For New Madrid, And Anchorage Region!!! Here's E-Mail Just Submitted To National Earthquake Council On That Big New Alert!!!!!

November 4, 2019

To: National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council, Michael Blanpied, Executive Secretary, California Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council, Mr. John Parish, Chairman
From: Mr. Les Brown, The EQ Alert Guy

Subject: Some Potential Shaking at New Madrid Region, And Alaska Anchorage Region, From Les Brown

Following the landfall of once "Super Typhoon" now Typhoon Hagibis at Japan near Tokyo on October 11, 2019, there was even an initial 5.3 Richters Earthquake right there near where the landfall hit there, in addition to the fact that in the recent week or so the Philippines was hit with three earthquakes of 6.5, 6.6, and a 6.3 there!!!

With all due respect for my "Go Straight Theory" the Philippines is situated in the opposite direction of where I call the "Potential Earthquake Energy" I like to watch for. Although there is at least one similar example when Christchurch, New Zealand had a 6.2 February 22, 2011 and they were in the opposite direction of where Cyclone Yasi made landfall at Queensland, Australia February 3, 2011. This is because as I said then. . . and am saying now, the actual "Grand Finale" should be in the other direction and that was when the Great Honshu Japan Earthquake followed on March 11, 2011. Probably "Forward Movement" of the Indio/Australian Tectonic Plate, too. HERE'S That Twitter Message: The EQ Alert Guy @EQAlert "Major EQ Alert: Kiribati Christchurch Tuvulu Soloman Islands 8 Richters! L.A., B.C.,S.F. Next, READ@ https://earthquakealert.blogspot.com/2011/02/new-eq-alert-kiribati-christchurch.html 11:42 AM · Feb 3, 2011."

I'm writing today to say Anchorage, and Alaska are NOW in the direct path of all this theoretical "Earthquake or Seismic Energy" and the straight-line I discovered when following on my globe and consistent with the exact direction Typhoon Hagibis was headed at that landfall, that line continues to cross Western Canada but the real news today is I see Montana, and New Madrid next in line, there!!! (SEE 2 Pics Attached To This Original E-Mail) THIS FIRST ONE Shows About Where Typhoon Hagibis Made Landfall and you can just about match up that line to where those Philippines Shakers Struck:
AND. . . . .This One Shows about where that line will probably continue on too:
Keeping in mind (I am) that it is still currently Day 65 on an existing alert for that Illinois, Indiana, Chicago Region, but that THIS alert has now had the 6.3, 6.6, and 6.5 Philippines Earthquakes there and you potentially have a very real alert for a possible "New Madrid Earthquake"! The last New Madrid Style Major Earthquake having been some time ago, or approximately 1895, and 1968, this could also hit Southern Illinois, and the last far Southern Illinois one some time ago, too!!! Probably the 2008 5.2 at Mount Carmel, Illinois Earthquake.

Now, although not watching for much bigger than a 6. . . there WAS three (3) of them at Philippines on October 16 at 6.3, 29th at 6.6, and 31st at a 6.5, and that just could be saying bigger than ONE at a 6 Magnitude, although hopefully not MUCH bigger! It tells me, though, we may be watching for 3 of them! Due to having been a few hours or days in between the Philippines Shakers. . . could also follow that pattern and be 3 separate earthquakes at around 5 Magnitude for New Madrid, Illinois Regions as the Day #'s come to pass and we get closer to Days 30 on November 10, 2019, and Day 40 on November 20, 2019, or numbers a lot of the Major Earthquakes which have followed my theories, have struck. The dates on which an Alaska, or Western Canada Earthquake could strike along these same patterns I've just described may be sooner, with day numbers such as Day 33 on November 13, 2019 being closer chronologically, to match Anchorage being situated geographically closer to Japan and where Japan could also shake more from all this, too!!!

Thank-You Again for accepting my earthquake writings, although I don't beleive I've made any "Predictions" per-se in the manner the councils might normally like.

Les Brown, The EQ Guy

CV/BIO Was Attached To Original E-Mail

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