Thursday, February 3, 2022

18 Inches Of Snow East Coast "Earthquake Minute" The Script/Transcript:

Hello Once Again, Everybody!!! EQ Guy Here!!! Well as promised those snowfall amount totals ARE IN!!!!!  And would you just look at the amounts they got especially out along our East Coast where we’re already been watching for like 6 Magnitude of shaking!!!  Today we’re going to add to that amount with some brand new what I like to call “Weight On The Tectonic Plate”!!!  And while I’m going to go on and say for East Coast, keep in mind that lot of snow could possibly push DOWN on the plate up in that region and possibly causing shaking around California and Haiti Region!!!  And of course New Madrid where they had that 1811-1812 series and folks on the East Coast who wanted to help there, were stuck in the middle of a big blizzard. . .much the same as they are today! Coincidence? 

Lots of SNOW!!!  And those biggest amounts today include:  23.8 inches at Boston, Providence 18.8, New York City 24.7, LaGuardia 9.4, 10 inches of snow fell at Wilmette, Illinois, 9 at Skokie, Illinois, upwards of a foot around Chicago, along with14 Inches Ocean Pines, Maryland near Ocean City, 29.1 Norton Massachusetts in Bristol County, and 30.9 inches of snow at Stoghfton, Massachusetts, AND This was recorded/written before all the new snow this week!!!

All of that will, should, or possibly COULD add to the amount of “Potential Earthquake Energy” due to “Weight On The Tectonic Plate” happening just about everywhere!!!  And close to that which proceded the great Northridge Earthquake!!!  Already big alert for lot of those places will or could now be even bigger, maybe!!!!! And remember the dates of those New Madrid Earthquakes were 7.2 to 8.2 on December 16, 1811, January 23, 1812 at a 7.0 to 8.0, and February 7, 1812 at a 7.4 to 8.6 which destroyed the Town of New Madrid, Missouri, there!!! Note I’m definitely NOT saying anything so big as those 1800’s Shakers will be resultants this timeeee!!!

Day 60 will be February 8th On “Earthquake Minute” With Me,  The EQ Guyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!




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