Wednesday, June 26, 2024


-----Today I'm particularly concerned for the fact that one of my nearby neighborhoods just experienced a tornado that ran several miles and mainly did lot of damage along Kellog Avenue in Janesville, Wisconsin on June 22, 2024.  This particular EF-2 or possibly EF-3 Tornado had a reported wind of 115 Miles Per Hour late Saturday.  Upon my research in the hours immediately following that ordeal, I also then noticed that EF-4 which did tons of damage at Greenfield, Iowa on May 21, 2024 with one reading of 300 Miles Per Hour winds at 30 Miles West-Southwest of Des Moines, Iowa.

-----Although those biggest winds and utmost damage from the Greenfield, Iowa Tornado might result in the biggest amount of concern for folks in the path of Potential Seismic Energy, this line really only crosses the shaky Texas Epicenter, but should be counted on to be biggest earthquake in quite some time, there.  Outside the jurisdiction of the Councils is situated Italy!!  My own personal first draft of the imaginary line crossed directly through and remarkably parallel to that country after also crossing France.  It goes on to near New Zealand where the tectonic plate boundary crosses between the North and South Islands.  

----Long ago and early in my tracking such lines, I once had a line that also crossed the Atlantic as the result of landfall of Hurricane Lilli at Louisiana on October 3, 2002, and unknown at that time if this mysterious form of what I today call "Potential Seismic Energy" could even transmit through earths crust at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.  That was when an earthquake struck Italy on October 31, 2002 and flattened a schoolhouse killing upwards of 26 school children there. Today known as the 2002 Molise Earthquake at a 5.9. It was my guess related to the fact that I did indeed follow a line to bout that exact spot in the days before that big earthquake. Todays new line follows a very same route and today we're talking about the potential resultant from winds reported at 300 mph!!!  Hurricane Lilli made landfall as a CAT-1 with winds of 75, to 95 mph.
-----The brand-new line of Potential Earthquake Energy from Janesville, Wisconsin Saturday, intersects both San Francisco, and the already very shaky New Jersey Epicenter, where already a 1.8 Maryland Earthquake struck 28 miles North-Northwest of Annapolis, and a 2,1 struck 5 Miles North of Poughkeepsie, New York.  Although the potential is somewhat smaller for the 115 Miles Per Hour Winds of the Janesville, Wisconsin Tornado, that potential line dangerously intersects San Francisco, and New Jersey and may be as big of an earthquake at 5.5 on the Richter Scale.  The potential line from that 300 Miles Per Hour wind reading at Greenfield, Iowa could go much higher up to the 7 or 8 Magnitude Range and is already past Day 30 with easilly another month to go or into August 2024.
-----Thank-You, Again for reading my earthquake writings!!!  June 26, 2024 Submitted By Les Brown, The EQ Guy

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