Friday, December 27, 2019

December New Moon Happened During This Christmas!!! As Santa Crossed The World With Sleigh And Reindeer!!!!! And As Might Be Expected There Was Some Shaking, Too!!!!! NOW With Fridays "Earthquake Minute"!!!

Here's New Years 2020, Santa-Sleigh-Reindeer, Cyclone Belna at Madagascar "Earthquake Minute" CLICK ARROW: VIEW Video at YouTube@ The Transcript at EQ Blog-3@

Noticed this came up in Fridays local newspaper, the New Moon passed on Christmas Day!!! So the New Moon Window actually ran from very late Christmas Eve Night, or about the time Santa was passing over much of the world with his sleigh and reindeer, and the New Moon Window began on Tuesday December 24 at 11:16pm and ran through the exact moment which would have been late the night of Christmas Wednesday at 11:16pm Central, 9:16pm Pacific Time, and run until Thursday or late last night actually at those same times.

Along with lot of other stuff shaking during the New Moon, there was all this shaking around Columbia, too:

4.4 8km NW of Lejanias, Colombia 2019-12-25 10:39
4.5 15km NNE of Lejanias, Colombia 2019-12-25 10:25
5.1 10km SE of Lejanias, Colombia 2019-12-25 02:11
4.5 8km SE of Lejanias, Colombia 2019-12-25 00:25
5.8 12km WSW of Lejanias, Colombia 2019-12-24 19:19
6.0 4km SSE of Lejanias, Colombia 2019-12-24 19:03

Usually I will have something worth comparing to the New Moon Window as is usually the case, but on this occasion most notable is that it was a NEW MOON ECLIPSE for much of the world and todays newspaper showed a great pic of that eclipse@

It's been a great decade "The Tens" and lot of my best stuff happened between years 2010, and 2020 including Radio Show "Earthquake Minute"!!!!! Here's Wishing All My Best Readers And Friends HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020!!! And Have a Great New Years, Everybody!!!

EQ Guy

My Best Earthquake Stories And My "Go Straight Theory" are in My E-Book, "Bringing Earthquakes To Life"@ CLICK HERE To See My E-Book!!!

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