The latest info I have found on Fridays 7.0 Turkey/Greece Shaker is 28 dead, upwards of 885 injured, 17 buildings destroyed, and many folks still being saved from collapsed buildings, there. STORY@ The following is from a different service I use on my "Smart Phone" and hope nobody will mind if I translate some of it here:
Major Magnitude 7.0 Earthquake - Dodecanese Islands, Greece, on Friday, 30 October 2020 at 11:51 (GMT) - Information:
October 30, 11:54: Magnitude recalculated from 6.5 to 7.1. Epicenter location corrected by 6.2 km (3.9 mi) towards SW
Earthquake data:
Date & time: 2020-10-30 11:51:27 UTC
Local time at epicenter: Friday, 30 Oct 1.51 pm (GMT +2)
Magnitude: 6.7
Depth: 2.0 km
Epicenter latitude / longitude: 37.9243°N / 26.8108°E
Nearest volcano: Akyarlar (114 km / 71 mi)
Nearby towns and cities:
14 km (8 mi) N of Ámpelos (pop: 300)
14 km (9 mi) NW of Kámpos Vourliotón (pop: 100)
14 km (9 mi) NW of Avlákia (pop: 0)
58 km (36 mi) SW of Karabağlar (pop: 458,000)
61 km (38 mi) SW of İzmir (pop: 2,500,600)
271 km (169 mi) E of Athens (pop: 664,000)
Weather at epicenter at time of quake: Scattered Clouds, 23°C (73 F), humidity: 64%, wind: 4 m/s (7 kts) from the South
This One struck sort of along that line I've been talking lot about, Chicago, although further north as you'll notice by the fact that Toronto, Canada appears on the list of Nearby Places:
3.6 - 35 km WSW of Amos, Canada
- 2020-10-30 18:28:42 (UTC)
- 48.410°N 78.539°W
- 3.5 km depth
Nearby Places
327.8 Miles South is Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Here's yet another in that region around the Atlantic we're watching!!!
5.6 - 205 km ENE of Olonkinbyen, Svalbard and Jan Mayen
- 2020-10-30 22:56:47 (UTC)
- 71.563°N 3.342°W
- 10.0 km depth
Nearby Places:
127.1 Miles WSW is Olonkinbyen, Jan Mayen, Svalbard
499.3 Miles ESE is Harstad, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
518.4 Miles ESE is Bodø, Nordland, Norway
523.7 Miles E. is Tromsø, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
531.3 Miles ESE is Narvik, Nordland, Norway
Well, you could say the Full Moon/Blue Moon Window IS present at the scene of some Major Shaking, but a check also revealed that we'd been watching Uzbekistan so closely might not have seen Turkey nearby. . . or like one of my best Seismology Guys has said it's actually more to do with movement of the Tectonic Plates more-so than what I might normally refer to as a "Straight-Line" which of course has long been only a theoretical line, so that might help explain at least to myself why we had NOT been watching Turkey and am very sorry no actual alert at least of mine. Also noticed that while watching "Around The Atlantic". . . The Atlantic is not actually itself a tectonic plate and by and large most of those places such as Caribbean are NOT around a big "Atlantic Tectonic Plate" likewise for Turkey which was not really too far off from that theoretical line just among too many other countries up that region to name them all. NOW possibly still Caribbean could shake, but. . . . .
A check of the globe in relation to this weeks landfall of Hurricane Zeta at New Orleans first came up with Washington, DC. . . and New York!!! No Kidding!!! The first draft of the line on the globe went directly through both of those places!!! However as I've been taught, run the line again. . . and second look at the radar of the landfall and again at the globe the second time shows to the WEST of both those places, like possibly those shaky Virginia, and West Virginia places all of which we'll be watching closely because as I've been saying "East Coast" that NOW means it!!! I also noticed a much more direct line through Mexico City on the globe and since we've already been watching Mexico, and Mexico City even already came up in one or two other still active alerts, now one more but this could be the biggest, and mean biggest upcoming Mexico City Earthquake so be watching and be prepared, there!!!
EQ Guy
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