Saturday, October 10, 2020

Here Is Video Of Lot Of The Things I Personally Ran Into Back In Early 1980's With Some Really Bad Cops Around My Town, County, And State, Along With Stateline Area Along Wisconsin/Illinois Border, Too!!!!! CLICK ARROW:

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~~~For whatever reason I had occasion to a run in with a lot of local P.D. folks back in the early 1980's.  Today I admit to having been told by at least 2 other guys they weren't good cops and I must confess to at the time having nothing better to do. . . than what all I'm about to talk about here!
~~~I don't know if “THANKS” is the word for the guy who told me cops had been threatening to break his fingers, but it wasn't long before they were threatening to break mine and in a sort of unrelated matter Drew Peterson had been arrested at one time for just such treatment of a prisoner!
~~~Over a period of days and weeks, I experienced numerous dates with these gnarly, gnarly bad cops and all along continued refusing to give them any names for what they were calling their "War On Drugs" and the whole time it was appearing to me they were using "War Powers" too!  One officer even showed me a book he referenced which went on to say he should determine what language I spoke and find someone who spoke that language to communicate with me!
~~~The day when they started threatening to cut off my fingers and thumbs was really about the very first day when things started getting, you could say, just a little bit more serious.  To this day I only know this officer by the name of "Sarge" but before he did any more talking about cutting off my fingers. . . I insisted he GET the "Bolt Cutters" from his truck where he said he had them.  To this day I have not been able to figure out who exactly "Sarge" was but he recurred several other times since this event of the early 80's.
~~~Then, another time I was seated in a room where 2 other different guys asked me to give them names for this same investigation only this time if I did not give them any names they would make me eat dog feces!  Well, since there's no way I'd ever give them any names, even if I knew any, it was rather obvious to me I would then simply have to eat the dog feces!  Up to this point still not giving any names to these idiots fighting their "War On Drugs" even though on this day it meant being forced to eat a whole bowl of dog feces!!!
~~~A similar occasion where they tried rat poison also failed to acheive any results such as they had been hoping for, AND it was not much trouble at all later to throw-up as much of the rat poison as possible, although I recall still suffering a major headache as the result!!!
~~~At this point a brief mention of them burning my face with cigerettes might be in order with the main difference, besides still not giving any names, being this episode was all on-camera right in the office and yes I might expect to see that video one of these fine days, too!
~~~Of course the dog, the loud music, and severe beatings with the butt of a service revolver, some of which would also be on-camera, never had the effect they all were hoping for, and ultimately neither did the large electric cattle prod they used on me.
~~~One of the more severe what I today call "Methods Of Torture" sure hurt and still hurts today a lot, too, but also never produced names for them was beating me across the shins with a baseball bat!  Yes, along with the ultimate threat never to go for any treatment anywhere, ever!  To say the least broken legs made walking and even standing difficult!  It has gotten a little better over the years but after reporting all this in February 2007, I've been expecting to hear back with permission to finally go to a doctor for this. . . with no such luck and still having sore legs, too!!!
~~~Still, up to this point not giving them any names for their "War On Drugs". . . the next thing that happened changed things and would later, yet, help to save my life and lives of a few other guys as well.  That was when I happened to ask one of the cops what this was all about and he told me the reason they needed names was so they could pursue charges for "Delivery" of about an ounce of pot, have him or her arrested and charged with "Possession & Delivery", and they wanted a lot of arrests and had been hoping to get a lot of names!!!  They got 52 in the arrests I'm talking about here, and like upwards of 80-90 in the year 1982, and another 80-90 in the year 1983, and don't know how many countless guys might have been killed and tortured in those events.  Haven't researched and was not involved in those succeeding years.
~~~"OH, so that's what all the questioning was all about", I thought!  Immediately me and another guy began to come up with a name or two just in case we'd ever need to give them one, and coincidentally that was also the point at which they began to actually kill some of my fellow prisoners!
~~~Now the next occasion I happened to have was at their county building, or garage, there, where they crushed the heads of a couple guys with a heavy plow on a big truck.  Naturally nobody gave them any names, so several guys had as one dude said "Their pumpkins smashed"! Then all of a sudden they grabbed the guy standing right next to me and I'm quite sure he probably didn't give them any names up to that point that day either.  Also, I had at least known this Javelin dude somewhat, and didn't know what I was going to do!!!
~~~As they began to drop the big plow on Javelin's head you could easily see his head crushing under the immense pressure and that was when it occurred to me I had to stop them!  This would also be the first name we would give, but at least Javelin is still alive!  Those other not so lucky guys currently remain buried in shallow graves around that "County Complex" there!!!
~~~When it came time, later, to throw guys into the big trash compactor, there, one guy came out, also after not giving names, severely injured and actually had a "County Nurse" examining him at one point. . . just before he would later disappear, never to be seen again!  At least as of this writing!
That nurses report it was said, had to go to the state and I might assume will always be on file somewhere, too!
~~~They went on to crush one guys head at the local railyard where this "Local Yocal" remains buried right after saying "Bring It On!!!  Cuz I aint giving you no names!!!"  And he is a great friend who is surely missed by friends and family all around that town, too!
~~~Likewise for a dude from a scene where we crossed a line into another jurusdiction and were reported to that other county who pursued us with the result being they shot him and left this officer from another jurisdiction for dead right there along side of the road!  I suppose for knowing too much, or because he simply wanted to question us that day!
~~~Other places did not wish to cooperate and a fire station threatened or DID file a "Grevience". . . which did little to stop them, however such a grevience if it had been filed, should also show-up somewhere even today.  So much for the "Jaws-Of-Life" being used as the "Jaws-Of-Death" anytime soon, you know!
~~~On another occasion we were inturupted by another apparent "Good Cop" who came running in and yelled to unhook me from the "Breaker Box" where I had been wired in and they were about to throw the switch on me!
~~~Must have hollered to unhook me immediately, although never to this day followed through to stop them from killing any of my other friends who might still be alive today if this supposed "Good Cop For a Minute" would have been a good cop for more like one whole day, or week, or month such as Drew Peterson still held his "Officer-Of-The-Year" award the last time I knew.  They were refusing to take it away from him, too, although unknown if he still holds that honor.
~~~That takes us up to them taking prisoners to the zoo and feeding them to the lions, there!  There was one other occasion when they simply proceeded and failed to ask for names and that was when they beat a girl to death with the baseball bat and she quickly coughed up blood and was dead just like that!!!  I didn't dare remind him after she was already dead that he forgot to ask us for names, but he also failed to ask us that at the zoo before just tossing us right in, there with the lions!  Before opening the door for us the zookeeper said they do not even go inside with the lions, they feed them through a double-door.
~~~Bad cop proceeded to get the keys and even went inside with us when one lion immediately trounced and quickly mangled one of our prisoners!  It was my idea to immediately get us out of there along with the bad cop, too!
~~~On the way back to the station another apparently "Good Cop" came back on the radio saying he had just heard everything that was said as our bad cop discussed something to do with the zoo and a dead prisoner and got me thinking he might then help us!!!  No such luck, and up to the year 2020 now, nobody has!!!  Even though all this happened in early 1981, and I turned all of it over to P.D. circa February 2007!!!

HERE’S to my continued hope for all these victims. . . And their families, That in the end, THEY will get the justice THEY DESERVE!!!!!



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