Friday, November 19, 2021

3.9 San Francisco Bay Earthquake Minute The Script/Transcript:

Hi, EQ Guy Here!!!  November 5 was the 10 Years Anniversary of the 5.9 Prague Oklahoma Earthquake found to be related to “Fracking”!!!  They have long since regulated the process and up to this point it’s the end of the Fracking Story! Same thing happened in Ohio in 2014, they too also got the fracking in check, and it’s been fairly quiet there ever since, too!

6.3 Iran Earthquake this week and I noticed Bam, Iran nearby where my very first Prediction involving that Tectonic Plate happened on December 20, 2003 and that was, of course then followed on December 26, 2003, by the 6.6 Bam, Iran Earthquake with 34,000 dead, there!

I later updated how I believe the movement of that Tectonic Plate works when Cyclone Pam struck at Vanuatu in 2015 and the result was the 2015 Kathmandu, Nepal Earthquake!!!  Big Earthquake and that alert should now run till December 18!!!

3.9 Frisco Yesterday was NOT followed by the big one, there! That’s Earthquake Minute, I’m EQ Guy

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