Thursday, November 11, 2021

Here's "Catastropic Volcano Earthquake Minute" For Pacifica The Script/Transcript:

Hello Again, Everybody, EQ Guy Here!!!

On October 30 right here you heard me say to watch the Yellowstone Volcano, This Week, “Volcanic Activity” has now been reported right there at the Yellowstone Volcanoooooo!!!! but do Note it’s probably been millions of years, and it’ll probably be another million years for that to happen!!!  And no, it definatley won’t be this week or next, there at the Yellowstone Super Volcano!!!

LOOKS like that Cumbre Vieja Volcano could have a catastrophic failure, because our East Coast  currently does not have a “Tsunami Warning System” and a catastrophic failure, scientists are saying, could send as much as 150 to 500 cubic kilometers of rock into the Atlantic Ocean and that could cause an Atlantic Ocean Wide Tsunami Event with lots of big giant waves maybe 30 feet, so Be watching for a tsunami of some sort to result there at some point and as of right now there continues to be NO “Tsunami Alert System” covering our East Coast!!!

There was a 5.2 Richters Earthquake on Sunday 65 Miles North Nelson, New Zealand, named after British Officer Horatio Nelson  with 71 felt reports at our own USGS in the USA, and you can see my own alert for Christchurch 2011 about 2 weeks before their big 6.2 Richters Earthquake killed 185 people on February 22, 2011, there, and my alert was dated February 3rd.  at my EQ Blog at Let's continue to watch this shaky region for upwards of a 7.6 On The Richter Scale, there into Mid-November.  

For The EQ Alert Radio Network, I am The EQ Guy. . . And This has been “Earthquake Minute”!!!

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