Wednesday, August 10, 2022


~~Totally new to me is the fact that we now seem to be getting what Meteorogolists are calling a “Derecho” the Spanish word for big winds!  I personally never really noticed this was coming on until one day I was driving north through Rockford, Illinois and experienced very strong winds blowing from west to east across Perryville Road and observed traffic lights swinging, and branches/twigs blowing from west to east across that road while experiencing really darkness conditions, there during what would normally be afternoon daylight hours!  Today that is known as the August 10, 2020 Midwest Derecho and there is a Wikipedia Page at:
~~Looking at a list of earthquakes which followed that really big year 2020 windstorm shows a number of earthquakes which I want to assert could have easily been at best lightly connected to that windstorm with gusts reported as high as 140 Miles Per Hour at Cedar Rapids, Iowa!  Notable earthquakes being a 3.2 Detroit Beach, Michigan August 21, a 3.9 United Kingdom on September 8, 3.1 Marlboro, New Jersey on September 9, and a 4.5 South El Monte, California September 19.  With all due respect for the fact that my list also includes a 7.6 Sand Point, Alaska on October 19, and 3.6 Bliss Corner, Massachusetts on November 8, 2020.  The latest one at Massachusetts being on Day 91 after that big windstorm and most recently these days I will routinely follow a windstorm watching for seismic activity through Day 110 or thereabouts.  
~~Today I’m talking about the Derecho that struck the Minnesota Region on July 5, 2022 and so comparing those days above where I’m suggesting some related earthquakes shook, comes out at October 23, 2022 being our Day 110 and thusly this alert should run up until that date, or you could say at least according to my own personal experiences of following the very biggest windstorms. . .earthquakes will be striking between now and what I call the end date, there!
~~Some other dates that will be upcoming and you could surely say are not related in any other way than correlating with earthquakes that followed in 2020 are August 3, 2022, Day 29, the day number when the 3.1 struck Marlboro, New Jersey, August 13 will be Day 39 or the day number when El Monte got that 4.5, and the 7.6 San Point, Alaska struck on Day 70 which will be coming on October 19, 2022 with a prominent Day 76 immediately following that date and Day 76 was long an end date until only more recently I’ve extended most alerts to Day 110.
~~After it occurred to me yesterday that this could affect Califonia I immediately checked my “Globe/Straightline Tool” and identified a “Straight Line” heading directly for the Northern California Area and when just now checking that location against a map found Mendocino, California but knowing it also crossed a shaky valley or mountian region also went on to find Willits, and Ukiah, therefore including the names of those two towns in todays banner headline, but noting anywhere along that line could get this upwards of 6 Magnitude maybe bigger Major Earthquake.  Some of you reading this are probably aware that lot of these places in this region have been known to be the epicenter (s) for what today historically we know as Big San Francisco Earthquakes!!!  Lines such as I’m suggesting can also vary enough that much more heavily populated regions just to the south of this line might well be looking at some big time shaking, too, albeit 50-100 Miles to the south. They include Tahoe, Santa Rosa, Sacramento, San Francisco, and Oakland Regions, too!
~~Until it occurred to me just in the last few days, that a Derecho might be a potential cause of some brand-new movement of tectonic plates, or much less a Major Earthquake. . . . . I’d have never believed it myself so I sure understand having a difficult time enjoying much scientific agreement today to be the reality of the situation!
~~Thank-You Again for accepting my submissions on earthquakes!!!

Submitted this 10th day of August 2022, by Mr. Les Brown, The EQ Guy

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