Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Mammoth Lakes, California is Shaking, Shaking, Shaking!!! COULD This Be All The Major Earthquake Energy We're Watching Around There For? And Montana Shook With The New Moon Window, Too!!!

I guess the really big news today is shaking up there at Mammoth Lakes, California!!! I had been noticing some shaking. . . but at first it didn't really appear all that unusual because Mammoth Lakes does seem to shake kind of regularly on and off you know. BUT would you know here's a couple stories that seem to be agreeing with me today!!! One of them actually has Lucy Jones commenting as a part of the story! Methinks it is this first one from Ventura County Star@ http://www.vcstar.com/story/news/2017/07/22/mammoth-lakes-area-hit-swarm-tiny-quakes/502394001/ So, 26 Earthquakes there in the 24 hours and something like 445 in 7 days!!! Other story was pretty much a duplicate, except this wonderful pic was included. . . although not sure who it was I'm borrowing this from:
As we now move on rather than go back to yesterday and re-do all that. . . I decided to just roll forward with the now upcoming "Date of Correlation" on that landfall of Typhoon Roke and the Coos Bay, Oregon Earthquake of 2011 and anyways when you go all back through those dates that I have given previously you come up at Tuesday, July 25th at 4:42pm Central Time, or 2:42pm Pacific Time or TODAY!!! So, be watching all throughout Tuesday and see if this correlation happens!!! AND if not there will be one more coming YET!!! Like later on this week! I must say, though, with Mammoth Lakes shaking, shaking, and shaking. . . might have to give off the chase if it keeps shaking due to it being rather close to the region where we're watching closely. All that shaking could release virtually ALL the Earthquake Energy passing through the area, but don't count on it! Instead keep watching because there's some time left for San Francisco to SHAKE!!!

This one shook near Bakersfield because I wasn't sure where Oildale was until I did a little further checking, and so now I thought post it here:

2.2 - 9km N of Oildale, CA
2017-07-24 05:19:58 UTC

Nearby Places:
5.6 Miles North of Oildale, CA
9.9 Miles North of Bakersfield, CA
10.6 Miles NE of Rosedale, CA
14.3 Miles East of Shafter, CA

This is almost the exact epicenter I'm watching right there around the far East of Los Angeles Area, so watch for more there because three there like this is only just a tiny bit unusual, especially when we're watching for what might be fore shocks there:

1.8 18km W of Ludlow, CA 2017-07-24 08:50
1.7 18km W of Ludlow, CA 2017-07-24 08:50
2.0 18km W of Ludlow, CA 2017-07-24 08:29

Now would you look at the list of Montana Shakers that appears might have been connected to the New Moon, however they started somewhat before MY New Moon Window. . . others might say New Moon!!! AND after all that was said, it now looks like these might have all ended with the New Moon, too! Because there do not seem to be any to add as of press time and the last one there on this list at the top was early on Monday Central Time:

2.2 13km W of Lincoln, Montana 2017-07-24 08:36
1.8 13km ESE of Lincoln, Montana 2017-07-24 07:05
2.5 14km ESE of Lincoln, Montana 2017-07-24 02:20
2.0 13km ESE of Lincoln, Montana 2017-07-24 00:37
2.8 13km ESE of Lincoln, Montana 2017-07-23 17:38
3.7 14km ESE of Lincoln, Montana 2017-07-23 17:36
3.2 13km ESE of Lincoln, Montana 2017-07-23 17:29
2.1 14km SE of Lincoln, Montana 2017-07-23 12:36
2.9 13km SE of Lincoln, Montana 2017-07-23 10:08
2.3 18km SE of Lincoln, Montana 2017-07-23 02:01
3.2 19km SSE of Lincoln, Montana 2017-07-23 01:53
2.8 13km SE of Lincoln, Montana 2017-07-22 14:49
2.5 14km SE of Lincoln, Montana 2017-07-22 01:59
2.8 14km SE of Lincoln, Montana 2017-07-21 21:19
2.1 12km ENE of Lincoln, Montana 2017-07-21 18:35
1.8 24km W of Helena West Side, Montana 2017-07-21 05:54
1.8 12km ESE of Lincoln, Montana 2017-07-20 21:45
1.8 15km SE of Lincoln, Montana 2017-07-20 21:41
2.2 16km SE of Lincoln, Montana 2017-07-20 21:21
2.1 13km SE of Lincoln, Montana 2017-07-18 04:45

So, we've learned several things today! A lot of new shaking at Mammoth Lakes, Montana shook with the New Moon over the weekend and then STOPPED sort of like magic with the end of the New Moon Window, and there is at least one Major Correlation coming up this week including one TODAY!!! That along with hoping my best readers will just simply forgive me for getting those dates wrong in yesterdays EQ Blog! Then I won't go back and change them for historical purposes dates are correct, just the year was wrong on one or the other. Thank-You Again For Reading and watch on Tuesday for that one big correlation, yet!!! EQ Guy

Some of My Best Earthquake Stuff can be found in My E-Book, Bringing Earthquakes To Life. Check Out My E-Book@ http://www.eqalert2.blogspot.com Thank-You!!! EQ Guy


Unknown said...

Hi do you think there's any correlation at all between the seismic activity in Mammoth Lakes and the seismic activity in Yellowstone

The EQ Alert Guy said...

Hi Susan,
Normally I am following seismic energy across such a region and it is not unusual for shaking to occur in two places such as those at the same time, as well as other places such as Salton Sea Region, North of Reno Region, and one or two other shaky California and Nevada Regions, too!!!
Pretty much all connected these days and with so much fracking in Oklahoma, that shaking seems to like to transmit to our West Coast eventually, too!!! So it even looks like the Oklahoma Shaking is connected in there like that, too!!!
Thank-You for your question!!!

EQ Guy