Thursday, September 3, 2009

Major Earthquake Could Strike California, Nevada, or Washington!!!

I have just checked the exact direction Hurricane Jimena was traveling when it made landfall at Baja California with 125 mph winds and while Los Angeles and San Francisco are slightly to the west of this new straight line, Las Vegas, Utah and the State of Washington are intersected by this line!!!

Just to be on the safe side, obviously, I want California people to realize that this line crosses just across the Colorado River out at Western Riverside County and you should realize that this massive amount of potential seismic energy passing that close to California and especially crossing the San Andreas Fault out there could still be some trouble and at the very least could potentially mean a major shaker out in that desert area around Barstow and Death Valley all the way up to Coalinga and etc. Be watching for this now upcoming Major Earthquake to be as big as 7.3 Richters Magnitude.

We should also be concerned that the spot out on the Peninsula of Baja California where Hurricane Jimena made landfall is a part of the Pacific Tectonic Plate and that the actual plate boundary is out in the Gulf of California there, as a result of this fact these two plates will almost certainly now be moving against one another in a motion quite similar to how they moved in the Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, although that one WAS NOT preceded by a hurricane striking BC. Do note that will make this new alert in effect for both Los Angeles and San Francisco as well as like Santa Barbara and the area up around that Northern California Triple Plate Juncture and etc., too!!!

Finally, Day 30 after the landfall of Typhoon Morakot at Taiwan is Sept. 6 and the Full Moon is tomorrow night (Friday) so there is already existing seismic energy from Morakot and Hurricane Bill as well as some added seismic energy that a Full Moon can be counted on to bring in the coming days.

This is a real earthquake emergency so please everybody be prepared with supplies and keep some tools handy in case something happens!!! And of course Alert the People that there is a major earthquake coming!!! Thank-You!!! The EQ Alert Guy

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