Monday, March 15, 2010

Mid Indio/Australian Plate Earthquake and Two Tropical Cyclones!!!!!

There was a mysterious earthquake in the middle of the Indian Ocean/Australian tectonic plate within the last 24 hours, it registered like 6+ Richters and was out in the middle of that tectonic plate, not at a plate boundary, which would appear to be more southwest towards McDonald and Heard Islands. This could possibly mean something but right now I'm basically just thinking to watch the Mid-African Rift.

There is also currently a major tropical cyclone out somewhere between Australia and the islands like Fiji. While this could have something to do with the seismic activity out in the middle of that tectonic plate, there is not really enough contact with actual land out there for the cyclone to generate much seismic energy, but as Ramirez noted it is still generating some because he invented using that amount to track the position of a hurricane long ago!

Otherwise time is running out on all the other alerts and Official Predictions, so as a precaution let us still give those until approximately March 27 and remember that the two new tropical cyclones in the Southern Hemisphere will be generating some seismic activity for folks near boundaries but a great deal more if one of them makes landfall!!!!! I will try to have that info as soon as I can get it!!!!! Thank-You for reading!!! EQ Guy

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