Monday, February 28, 2011


February 25, 2011

California Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council
National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council

From: EQ Guy (Name Edited), Earthquake Alert of Wisconsin

First I want to tell you how sorry I am right now for all those affected by the recent Major Earthquake that struck at Christchurch, New Zealand. Next, I feel I must point out that while not actually mentioning Christchurch in my recent Official Prediction sent to both councils, I had discussed Christchurch in my alert posted on my earthquake blog on February 3, 2011 that you can see at a direct link to my EQ Blog entry on that day. Notice Christchurch even appears in the URL-Link since it was actually IN that headline!!! That blog entry was written just hours before the Official Prediction that followed, however that O.P. was not written to the folks in the Pacific Islands and so doesn’t mention them in the manner as my above stated alert did.

I just checked and found that the actual day and time of the Christchurch earthquake on Monday this week WAS February 21, 2011 exactly as I had stated the date being in my Official Prediction filed with CEPEC and NEPEC on February 8, 2011. While I did in fact state “On Or About” February 21. . . you would have to agree that I could not have gotten much closer then the EXACT DATE on this major earthquake.

Today I am now forced to file this LETTER OF CONTINUATION for the purpose of continuing my most recent Official Prediction through Day 43 after the landfall of Severe Tropical Cyclone YASI with 340 Kilometer Per Hour winds on February 2, 2011 or until on or about exactly March 17, 2011. I currently use 43 days as a result of the Great Islamabad Earthquake striking 43 days after the landfall of Hurricane Katrina at Louisiana. Note that I have found the vast majority of earthquakes that follow major landfalls of hurricanes, etc. fall between about 20 and 33 days afterwards.

As of this writing there has just been a number of small and medium sized earthquakes striking along the West Coast of the U.S. and Mexico including a 3.4 near Half Moon Bay, a 5.7 at Vera Cruz, Mexico, and a 2.7 practically in the middle of Downtown Huntington Beach yesterday.

It is my opinion, Sirs, that Tropical Cyclone Yasi made landfall at Queensland with 340 Kmh winds, pushed the Indian Ocean/Australian Tectonic Plate with those extreme winds, resulted in gapping along the plate boundary around New Zealand, shook Christchurch, continued moving the Indian Ocean Tectonic Plate and WILL NOW continue pushing that plate probably north towards Bam, Iran, and Islamabad, next either striking Japan or pushing even farther north and eventually along that longitudinal line back to California and the San Andreas Fault. I want to point out that this is a manner similar to the tectonic plate activity that preceded a California earthquake named Parkfield around the year 2003 or 2004, and without checking want to guess the Parkfield area could be in line for this now possible upcoming major earthquake as well.

I want you to be aware that this is the point where in the past I have written that the majority of the potential earthquake energy has probably passed and that this continuation is as a precaution. Please note that is NOT the case today and I DO NOT feel that the extreme earthquake warning in my original Official Prediction of February 8, 2011 is past! Frequently I find it necessary to just basically continue these alerts for no reason other than that the time frame for such energy runs through a given number of days, that is not the reason for this writing today and this specific earthquake energy we are watching for HAS NOT struck yet. Further, note that this Official Prediction also does not contain the entire discussion of Andaman and Nicobar Islands and other nations that could and probably WILL be affected since I have my hands full just trying to update the California and National people and am sorry for all the other folks that are out there and, like the people of Christchurch, will get no warning at all.

Thank-You again for accepting my earthquake writing and won’t you please alert the people of California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska to be prepared!!!

The EQ Alert Guy,
(Real Full Name Edited Out)


1 comment:

The EQ Alert Guy said...

I edited this posting tonight July 19, 2013 to correct the link to go directly to the Official Prediction discussed. It had previously only been a general link to my EQ Blog-3 which would not have taken you to the correct place buried deep in that blog today. Thank-You!