Saturday, May 14, 2011

Here's One More Exact Date and Time!!! I Know. . . This Is Now My Third Attempt:)

One more try, Wednesday May 18, at 4:36am PDT and then I promise no more of these attempts at the exact date and time for an earthquake. I added a couple of additional days to the last guess which was 14 to bring it up to the number of days that the World Series Earthquake followed the landfall of Hurricane Hugo at Charleston back in the days. So if you are actually following my research into the speed that earthquake energy might travel then I want to add that this is the final guess at the exact date and time. That is unless I come up with any examples of huge windstorms striking the North American Tectonic Plate and then releasing the earthquake energy relatively nearby. Keep remembering that there still seems to be one huge earthquake out there of virtually unknown magnitude, or possibly as big as 8 or more Richters, but I doubt if it could be 9 Richters so something like 7.9 would probably even be kind of big for this one, but 7.6 Richters? Thank-You, again for reading and be aware that this one could still strike the U.S. for several days, yet! EQ Guy

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