Sunday, January 8, 2012

FULL MOON EQ Alert!!!!! Letter to CEPEC, and NEPEC!!! Major Earthquake Monday Night?????

Hello, Full Moon is Monday Night, January 9, 2012 and a very good chance of earthquake! And smallish chance for California or the rest of USA. Here is a copy of letter I just submitted to CEPEC and NEPEC. EQ Guy

January 8, 2012

To: Name of Contact Edited Out,
USGS Menlo Park,
California Earthquake Predication Evaluation Council

Name Edited Out
The EQ Alert Guy
Earthquake Alerts of Wisconsin

Dear Edited Out,
I’m very glad I actually got the chance to meet you in person right there at the USGS Offices in Menlo Park back in October 2011. I want to tell you what a great place the Menlo Park facility is and how great that entire trip turned out being. . . especially meeting you and touring the USGS, there!

I want to note that the copy of my “Official Prediction” that I hand-delivered that day did not have an attachment to reflect the fact that I discovered the full moon would be October 12, 2011 greatly increasing the chance of October 12, 2011 becoming the date such an earthquake would strike. Name Edited Out, I am well aware that the full moon was part of our discussion and am not concerned it’ll be overlooked by no means. Just thought I’d amend the hand-delivered original version with that statement. The full moon was certainly discussed in entries to my EQ Blog written in the days after that O. P. was written. Additionally, I traveled out there to make it even MORE Official.

To this day, that 5.9 Richters earthquake that struck near Coos Bay, Oregon at 8:15pm that night is still by far the biggest earthquake to strike California in a long, long time and speaks for itself as far as my prediction/quake chase being on target. I suppose the fact that it was later downgraded to 5.3, which is still the biggest, and that Coos Bay, Oregon is not California might take something away from it, but the earthquake folks generally include such earthquakes as well within the California Earthquake Scenario, as well as ones to the south in Baja California. So, while technically Coos Bay is NEPEC, I think it’s agreed the Triple Plate Junction is a part of California as well. Never mind those two 4 Richters shakers that struck practically underneath the UC Berkeley Campus just a couple days later!

I am writing to you today because there has been a lot of smallish earthquake energy around the Southern California area and the full moon will be on Monday Night, January 9, 2012. There was also a “Very Severe” (a classification for cyclones) Tropical Cyclone that made landfall in the Bay of Bengals at India, with winds in the 100 Miles Per Hour range. I figure those huge wind speeds into my “EQ Alert Theory” as having some effect on the tectonic plate boundaries when the actual landfall contacts land. It was 21 days after the landfall at Japan of Typhoon Roke that the October 2011 Coos Bay earthquake struck as my prediction stated. In this case I just want to say that the Indian Ocean Tectonic Plate may contact the Pacific Tectonic Plate resulting in at least some earthquake energy affecting Southern California, but by no means with the same exact straight-line assurity as was the case in October.

Therefore this is not another “Great” prediction for an earthquake that is imminent such as was the case on October 12, 2011 when the earthquake struck at the California-Oregon Triple Plate Junction. This earthquake energy could be running along the West Coast of Southern California, Mexico, or Central America and I thought I might just write to let you know due to California getting some smallish foreshocks and being along that line.

Looks like a good chance this earthquake will strike the day or night of the full moon, Monday January 9, 2012 and as a result, I want to forward this short note to CEPEC. Although there is a chance it could affect Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, or Richmond, I’m thinking off along Central America and don’t want to bother NEPEC with this tiny alert, but I may carbon copy Michael Blanpied just the same and I know you don’t mind.

Be watching for what happens the night of the full moon, Monday Night, January 9, 2012 and see for yourself if this major earthquake energy doesn’t let loose somewhere!!! Chile? Lima? Nicaragua? Or will it be one or two days after the full moon such as those two now Great Christchurch, New Zealand earthquakes struck!

Thank-You, again for reading, Jeanne, and for helping to someday alert the people that the full moon seems to correlate with some major earthquakes!

Name Edited Out,
EQ Guy

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