Saturday, September 4, 2021

ADD: 20 Miles East Of Poplar Bluff, Arkansas To Alerts!!! Looks Like Maybe Southern Illinois, Too!!!

 Just now checked because there was a part of the line we're watching that crossed near my own location and hadn't checked and re-checked on that!  

NOW looks like line also crosses around past a few miles East of Poplar Bluff, Arkansas and could be sum total of all the shaking, but experinnce has taought me then again they may not get all of it, there, so let's be watching Poplar Bluff Region for 5 or 6 Magnitude Earthquake although the "Potential Seismic Energy" is there for bout a 7 Richters Earthquake!

Finally, we know the line continues and so I went just now and also checked this on to find the region around Springfield, Illinois!  As you might have heard me say a few times, bout all of Illinois is due or overdue for an earthquake and all this heading directly for them. . . could be it!!!!!

Not sure I'll be able to update and will put it one list for things for next radio show, but until then watch there!!!!!

EQ Guy

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