Friday, January 9, 2009

EQ Alert Update: Full Moon!!!

We just got about a whole nother foot of snow and I know that a lot of other places got a lot of additional snow as well. Also, they have had several earthquakes out at the West Coast and a couple more up around Yellowstone. So, as I said in my last update we should continue to be watching for earthquakes, although I do not have too much information as to what exactly might happen, if anything.
Am writing tonight mostly because the night of the full moon will be January 10, or I think like tomorrow and in the year or so that I have added in the full moon to my theory, I have actually had a certain amount of luck with potential seismic energy being released on that exact night!!! Due to that fifty percent chance of something major happening on the night of the full moon, and the fact that right this moment there may yet be some potential seismic activity out there, yet, watch tomorrow night for a small shaker.
That’s really all I have right now, just a full moon reminder. Thank-You, again for reading!

The EQ Alert Guy

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