Thursday, June 11, 2009

This Alert Will Continue. . . . .

Checking my latest Official Prediction for Los Angeles, I want to repeat today that this alert for a major shaker will continue up till July 7, 2009 and so everybody is very clear on this one, it WILL strike.

While this is supposed to be the earthquake resultant that results from the potential seismic energy given off from the North Korean nuke test, it remains unknown exactly how big the shaker will be. One theory is that since it is now taking longer than the 2006 earthquake which struck 12 days after the bomb blast, it is possible that it could be taking longer because it will be a somewhat larger earthquake than the 6.8 that struck Hawaii after the last North Korea nuke test. I was also asked about North Korea ever being named responsible for the Hawaii shaker due to them testing a huge nuclear device underground. The tracking of this type of potential seismic energy is still very new; if we were talking about the potential seismic energy from a major Hurricane or Typhoon making landfall such as Tropical Cyclone Myanmar/Sichuan China earthquake or Katrina/Islamabad then I would say it might be possible, but for something else like a tornado, blizzard, or nuke test. . . then I would say that exact science probably still remains out there in the future a ways yet.

Until then, keep watching for this major earthquake to strike California and possibly be a huge shaker!!!!! Thank-You again for reading!!! EQ Guy

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