Wednesday, July 29, 2009

About Earthquakes and The Wind

July 29, 2009

To: All EQ Alert People
Fm: The EQ Alert Guy

Subject: EQ’s and the Wind

They are presently showing a little bit of wind damage from the recent series of storms that struck with wind gusts over 100 mph. There were also a series of earthquakes within the last 24 hours that are looking like some seismic energy might have been created in this process. Minimal total amounts of damage and minimal sized earthquakes that followed.
If you have followed my earthquake writing for a while now, you might already be saying a couple sheds and a tree or two doesn’t create much seismic energy and so you might not be too worried. Well, that’s how my EQ Alert Theory sort of works. It was a long all clear and now this.
So, I am basically just writing today to tell you that. Whether it means an end to that All Clear streak I can’t say. In general for new guys it does not. No, we would really need a lot of wind damage but over the years damage has only equaled wind speed and damage is NOT necessary in order to prove the speed of the wind or to verify the event happened. You may simply say wind speed that struck and just the fact that it contacted the tectonic plate throughout the region where it occurred could possibly create potential seismic energy by itself, damage or no damage. That is if it was blowing up against a lot of buildings and trees, then again just crops blowing down alone could hardly be considered contacting the tectonic plate could it?
Beyond this point I’ll still wager on All Clear, but please take into account that some wind did strike a rather small geographic area.

The EQ Alert Guy

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