Monday, July 20, 2009

All Clear Continued!!!!!

Well, there has been very little in the way of anything happening around the world that would create any potential seismic energy, that is nothing that might cause a major earthquake!!!
Therefore, in place of any alert that I might generally usually issue in one of my many letters such as this, today I’m going to continue my ALL CLEAR that I issued in the last week or so.
As a general rule, I have found that the great majority of major earthquakes are preceded by a huge hurricane or typhoon making landfall and doing a lot of damage, such as Katrina/Islamabad, Cyclone Myanmar/Great Sichuan China Earthquake, Super Typhoon Nanmadol/Great Sumatra Earthquake-Tsunami 2004, Hurricane Ivan/Parkfield, and Hurricane Hugo/World Series Quake. Presently there have been NO such huge windstorms making landfall ANYWHERE and doing any damage, besides one or two very minimal tropical storms.
So, while this is by no means a sure thing that we won’t get any earthquakes at all whatsoever, it does virtually guarantee that according to my very own “EQ Alert Theory” there could NOT POSSIBLY be anything too major in the way of earthquakes in the coming days!!! Note that accepted science recognizes many other things as being the source of seismic activity such as forces that come from the “Inner Earth” and different places such as that, as well as pressure that simply builds up or is building up here and there just as happenstance and that these things all supposedly can cause major earthquakes; I don’t really believe any of that and therefore I do not believe we really have to worry too much about any seismic energy coming up from the center of the earth here in the near future!!! And therefore I repeat my ALL CLEAR!!!
Thank-You, again for reading! Just remember that major windstorms can develop and strike in just a few hours and so these conditions could change at any moment. I will try to update as soon as anything major is happening somewhere in the world.

The EQ Alert Guy

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