Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Keep Watching: Mt. Vesuvius, Italy, Greece, Argentina

If you read my latest EQ Blog (Below) you already knew Papua New Guinea was going to probably be shaking! Here is that earthquake just in:
While I like to state Vesuvius in these alerts. . . it may be more likely to be another specific location or volcano up that way, just that I have heard Mt. Vesuvius might be about due for a major eruption so I want to say it might be time to start watching there, but that whole "Himalayan Arc" region as well.
Finally this new earthquake energy will ultimately strike around Argentina where they also just had a major volcano not too long ago, so. . . another? And finally like far into next month this earthquake energy will head up into North American and just could push the North American Tectonic Plate against the Pacific Tectonic Plate at the San Andreas Fault perhaps into early April 2012. I will update this EQ Blog at some point prior to that date, though! Thank-You, everybody, for reading!!!!! EQ Alert Guy


angelbaby said...

Wow! Very good predicting. The big earthquake in Chile, pretty close to Argentina I'd say. Good work, will keep on reading your reports. I really like them.

angelbaby said...

Wow! The big earthquake in Chile happened, pretty close to Argentina I'd say. Good work. I love reading your posts, keep it up.

angelbaby said...

Wow! Very good predicting. The big earthquake in Chile, pretty close to Argentina I'd say. Good work, will keep on reading your reports. I really like them.

angelbaby said...

Wow! Very good predicting. The big earthquake in Chile, pretty close to Argentina I'd say. Good work, will keep on reading your reports. I really like them.