Sunday, July 8, 2012

California Seems To Be Shaking!!!?

There seem to have been several medium sized earthquakes shaking California in the past couple days and I have to write right now to continue watching California for something major to shake there. While there have been several EQ Alerts criss-crossing the state at least one has July 15 as the end date and I know from personally having been in the Great Hector Mines earthquake while living in Hollywood that we must continue to watch several days yet to be extra certain of where all this earthquake energy is at. I compare the "Unexploded Dynamite" Theory of where you must just continue to watch dynamite that did not explode. . . like basically indefinately. We will be doing this for Los Angeles, now! Ask Lori Wexler if you are out in L.A. and she will tell you!!!

We should also watch Frisco, not because they had any earthquake energy heading directly for them, but rather because they are very near the areas that have been getting all the medium sized shakers and actually got a number of small ones last week like around the full moon. Be Prepared California!!! A couple of major shakers are still out there!!!!! EQ Guy

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