Saturday, July 28, 2012

Watch Los Angeles Area CLOSE!!!!! Also China Could Shake Soon, Too!!!

I just now happened to check out the most recent earthquakes around Southern California and found a whole mess of them!!!!! Lots and lots of shaking has been going on right in the couple mile radius of Downtown L.A.!!! Here is a link to that map:

They include several around Palos Verdes, Torrance, Culver City, El Segundo, Northridge, Ventura, Ojai, and Glendale just to name the immediate area ones. I'm saying this because some professional geology folks might suggest that all of these could mean a larger one is coming. I am not a geologist so I do not want to be the one who suggested it. So continue to be watching around Los Angeles and Santa Barbara through August or maybe any moment now for something to shake. And there is also that new one up around China where a day or so ago Novosibirsk actually GOT a 4.7 Richters shaker!!! I checked my globe/straight line and found that line of potential earthquake energy continues on to between Lima and Santiago so keep an eye on those people also. Thank-You for reading and be prepared!!! EQ Guy

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