Saturday, February 27, 2010

Keep Watching for MORE SEISMIC ACTIVITY!!! Los Angeles, Tijuana, S.B., S.F., Seattle, Vancouver Island, and Alaska!

February 27, 2010 1:25pm CST (Lead Paragraph updated at 9:19pm)

South America received a Magnitude 8.8 Richters earthquake early today at about 1:30AM my time. As I now edit this entry at 9:17pm the chances of much tsunami damage is now passing. . . At least it is to Japan right this moment. So, at this time I just want to update what I was talking about several hours ago when I originally wrote this paragraph and that is that in addition to all the present concerns about tsunami dangers, my regular readers should know that there might also be the chance of yet another major earthquake striking Los Angeles, Tijuana, Santa Barbara, Frisco, Oakland, Eureka, Seattle, Vancouver Island, or Alaska. Not to mention any number of other places such as Chicago, Memphis, St. Louis, Charleston, or possibly even a more unusual city?

The Grand Total for earthquakes following the Chile earthquake is at 425 Richters (Number updated also) and according to the "Gutenburg-Richter Law" all of the aftershocks will continue to get smaller and smaller until all of this seismic energy is released.

I originally started researching what causes earthquakes on the day of the Northridge, California earthquake of January 17, 1993 and amazingly found SEVERE WINTER CONDITIONS preceded that major earthquake!!! Thereafter everytime similar severe winter conditions occur, such as the 2 feet of snow all across the country, and 55mph winds prior to Northridge, I have issued my own personal "EQ Alerts" and more recently filed Official Predictions when they apply as needed to the National and California Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Councils or CEPEC and NEPEC. Please now feel free to see what my most recent writings have been including the one from last night, and get to know how the Full Moon might be connected as well. Generally when I find that I have come very close on one of these I like to just ask that you continue to follow my writings well into the future and if you especially like or were otherwise affected by one of my alerts, I would like you to follow my work into infinity or whatever. I actually expect modern science to adapt a lot of my "EQ Alert Theories" in the not too distant future, but I will continue to write at least with just my own opinion for as long as I feel like it: even if that winds up being far beyond the point where "Snowfall Resultants" become modern science. Note that if you are just joining my here in like the last six months, there is still my other type of Straight Line predictions I also routinely make or my "Go Straight Theory" anytime a major hurricane or typhoon makes landfall and does a lot of damage, I will then follow THIS TYPE of potential seismic energy in a straight line and commonly give the names of the EXACT CITY where a major earthquake might strike and have actually got now many of these exactly right and can usually get them within about 5 miles and within sometimes an hour or so!!! Ask me about the "Arrowhead Water Prediction" of the year 2000, or Fukushima/Haramachi 2003, even Katrina/Islamabad was actually within about 90 miles and the size and amount and size of aftershocks was very, very close as well. One particular one in San Francisco a couple of summers ago was almost a direct hit at like 4.1 which actually doesn't even happen that much in Frisco much yet just a day or so after my alert went out following the landfall of a big typhoon at South Japan.

I did have my entire theory posted but the site where it all was, as well as my oldest alerts is now a no longer existing social network place. I have two versions of my book "How To Predict Earthquakes" a complete and a compact edition. The Complete Edition has a Literary Agent in San Diego, and I sent some copies of the Compact Edition out to several publishers myself in the last year or so. I am presently thinking about updating the Complete Edition and editing it down to a Complete Edition 2010 or something like that, but still mostly just want all the information to be made available to the public. . . not to sell a book you understand!!! Thank-You again for reading!!! The EQ Alert Guy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Что делать!!!??? Схожу с ума!!!
Очень нравится девушкка, моя хорошая знакомая, но она, несмотря на все мои намёки и знаки внимания, воспринимает меня только как друга...