Saturday, March 12, 2011

CONTINUATION UPDATE, MARCH 11, 2011. . . . . I Mentioned Japan Several Times!!!!!

Check out several of my EQ Blog entries from the last few days and weeks with at least two references to Japan, and at one point it mentions “Earthquake, Tsunami, and Volcanoes’ for Japan/Taiwan???” That one is located at my EQ Blog-2 on February 4, 2011, or . . . Japan is also mentioned in Paragraph 5 of my “Letter of Continuation” to CEPEC, and NEPEC, dated February 25, 2011 and posted to my main EQ Blog on February 28, 2011. That paragraph begins, “It is my opinion, Sirs” and was written basically knowing that there was still what is considered a “Great” Earthquake out there somewhere yet. They use the term “Great” to refer to earthquakes considered bigger yet than a “Major” Earthquake. . . if you can imagine a bigger earthquake than a “Major” one!!! Yes, modern science considers any earthquake bigger than major to be a “Great” one for whatever reason. Until a formal letter can be written out exclusively for my friends at The California Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council, and National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council, I want this message in whatever form to serve as notice that I do still routinely continue to follow major sources of earthquake energy through the full number of days it may take to shake out all of that major earthquake energy and with this letter I want everybody to know we should continue to watch at least up to the date appearing in all my other post-Yasi writings or March 17, 2011. It is just possible that that movement of the Indian Ocean/Australian Tectonic Plate might have only bumped Japan albeit severely and this after Christchurch just shook as the potential seismic energy originally left Australia back in February. Please be aware that as far as I can tell it looks like that earthquake energy might just be pushing north and could still strike the north pole tectonic plate and then the North American Tectonic Plate. Next, either severely shaking the San Andreas Fault, or pushing south on that plate and bumping Central America, and then possibly South America with the longshot being like our East Coast or Azores/New Lisbon area. Maybe that Iceland Volcano again? Finally, it is also my opinion that such huge numbers of big shakers such as are now following last nights Honshu Shaker in Japan tend to also seem to cross the Pacific and result in major shaking somewhere along our West Coast, Mexico, Central America, etc. Either way I am saying the shaking is by no means over with and that things will definitely continue to shake majorly easily up to March 17, 2011 and if necessary I will later write to continue it all the way through the month of March 2011. Trust me, I have worked on mechanical stuff all my life and I think I know how Plate Tectonics works!!!!! No Question this matter is to be continued!!!!! Thank-You and Everybody Please Be Prepared for more Major Earthquakes, Yet!!!!! EQ Guy

Just Posted a Great New EQ Writing over at EQ Blog-2!!! (March 13, 2011, 10pm)


Anonymous said...

Any ideas about the PNW coast or CA coast in light of this Japan event? It is getting awfully quiet "out there" just like it did before the Japan quake.

Anonymous said...

THX for sharing

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this post, it is great