Friday, March 25, 2011

Major Earthquakes Passing: Next Time We Might Want To Warn People

It is now two weeks since the recent Great Japan Earthquake of 2011 and a month since the Major Christchurch, New Zealand Earthquake and I have now had thousands of views at my EQ Blog, but nobody enquiring about my “EQ Alert Theory.” So, this is about the point where all of us may simply go on with our lives and my best readers can basically just wait for the next major earthquake to appear in my EQ Blog, as always in the days and weeks before it strikes!!! Finally, I want to say one last thing here: Tropical Cyclone Yasi had winds reported at 340 Kilometers Per Hour and I converted that wind speed last night on a conversion chart and found 211 Mph, or normal winds for a Huge Windstorm but among the highest!!! Next, that Tropical Cyclone made landfall at Queensland heading west, then I posted an alert for Kiribati, Christchurch, and Tuvalu, an Official Prediction followed. Next Christchurch had a major earthquake, and I next messaged New Zealand Herald among others stating Christchurch was not the “Grand Finale” even apologizing for the use of the word “Finale” knowing the final event would probably be a major disaster, and numerous times I noted the Indian Ocean/Australian Tectonic Plate was actually moving THE OTHER DIRECTION and mentioned the Himalayan Arc. I also stated Andaman/Nicobar Islands and Japan once or twice around that time as well. Then the Great Honshu Japan Earthquake struck, then was upgraded to 9.0 Richters, an exact match for the amount I had mentioned this one being as big as. Finally, knowing the night of the full moon would intensify the risk of aftershocks I posted my usual Full Moon Alert, and Japan received two major aftershocks around the 6.5 / 6.8 range 48 hours after that full moon. The Christchurch Earthquake also actually struck 48 hours after last months full moon. It has now been 51 days since that original landfall of Severe Tropical Cyclone Yasi which is where all of this earthquake energy started in the first place and as a rule I do not usually watch much for earthquakes beyond that date. However due to the severity of this matter, we should as a precaution be watching through Day 60 or about April 3, 2011 for any additional earthquake energy related to this alert, and for your information it does look like California and our West Coast could still get a smallish 6 or 7 Richters Shaker! Thank-You again everybody who is now reading my regular earthquake writings!!!!! And Be Prepared!!! The EQ Alert Guy

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