Sunday, October 16, 2011

2 Hours Before The Full Moon!!!!! Coos Bay, Oregon 5.9 Richters!!!

Wasn't too bad of a Quake Chase!!!!! Just happened to be inside of a store when my phone rang telling me Coos Bay, Oregon just got struck with a 5.9 Richters Shaker at about the same moment that the building started to move from side to side practically throwing me against the wall and into the display there in the aisle where I was standing right at that moment, or trying to stand-up anyways! That earthquake has since been downgraded numericaly, but still easily ranks as by far the biggest earthquake that I've ever been in! This earthquake easily swayed us back and forth for several seconds as much as like close to 10 or 20 feet it seemed like as well as it seemed like some up and down change in elevation movement as well, and reminded me of what I often hear said when people describe earthquakes. . . that it felt very much like rocking in a boat!

Note that this probably marks the end of the alert for California, but there are three other major alerts floating around yet, including Krgystan and possibly Nepal just added this morning for like another 7 Richters. While some of the energy from those two typhoons at Manila could still find their way to our West Coast, it seems more likely they will affect China, Japan, Indonesia, etc. Just Sayin'! Thank-You, again for reading!!!!! EQ Guy / Quake Chaser

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