Thursday, October 27, 2011

Major Alerts For A Few Days, Yet!!! West Coast, Central and South America!!!

I have in front of me several pages of brand new calculations mostly concerning the two major typhoons that struck Manila, Philippines earlier in October 2011. They are Nesat and Nalgae with wind speeds of 121 and 87 mph, both heading westerly. According to Wikipedia, Typhoon Nesat had waves as tall as Palm Trees and 4 people were killed when a wall collapsed. Nesat struck on a Tuesday and was followed by Nalgae making landfall on Saturday and I recall pictures of people still being trapped on roofs following Nesat, when Nalgae struck! On October 13, 2011 there was a sort of unusual shaker at the corner of the Indio/Aust. Tectonic Plate near Bali and just south of Jakarta, Indonesia. This looks to me like the tectonic plate might be moving towards the Pacific and North, Central, and South Americas! Infact there have been one or two significant shakers out there in the Pacific Islands in recent days, so we should watch for earthquake energy in the range of 7.5 to 7.9 Richters along our West Coast through November 10, or 20, 2011. Note that in addition to all the other earthquake stuff currently happening in Turkey, and San Francisco, these two earthquake energies have YET TO STRIKE!!! Be prepared and well aware that this could be one Major Earthquake coming!!! Thank-You for reading! EQ Alert Guy

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