Wednesday, September 19, 2012

EQ Alert: Azores, Surinam, French Guiana!!!

Typhoon Sanba has made landfall at Korea with winds reported at 125 mph and this will generate a noticable amount of earthquake energy. The new earthquake energy from this major typhoon that also struck Okinawa will now be heading towards Greenland, Halifax, East Coast/Richmond, but while probably not shaking any of those places nor the Caribbean Nations, it could well strike Surinam, or Frnech Guiana!!! We might also see some earthquake energy released around the Azores and other points in the Mid-Atlantic. We'll be looking for just over 6 Richters, say 6.5 Richters Magnitude.

Finally with reference to my last EQ Blog entry. . . it appears the Sulfur Smell at Los Angeles on that one day was immediately followed the next day by 33,000 people being evacuated from the region of Guatamala near a major volcano that erupted. This would be consistant with those who predicted sulfur smell would precede a volcano, but why the sulfur smell was in L.A. and the volcano was in Guatamala remains to be explained. Thank-You Again for reading! EQ Guy

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