Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sulfer Smell Los Angeles = Paradise Turns To Hell???

A million reports of real bad sulfer smell all around Los Angeles and much of Southern California and a convo with one of my good friends out that way lead me to some quick research. Occured to me early today that on one occasion enough sulfer smell had been emited to actually start killing some people (Having your gas mask near might prevent that) and this lead me to here. SEE Paragraph 2--Paradise Turns To Hell@
http://www.geology.sdsu.edu/how_volcanoes_work/Pelee.html STORY about the eruption of Mt. Pelee at St. Pierre on the Caribbean Island of Martinique in 1902. As I wrote this entry I just noticed that recent major earthquake in Beverly Hills as my last entry!!!??? 3.4 Richters and my thought at that time was that it was a very rare shaker. . . what could happen next? I suppose it might be time for an Official Prediction for something major to shake around Southern California but until then everybody be aware and be prepared! These types of foreshock events if that is what this is, could be years or many years ahead of the big one! But it does now seem seismic in nature. EQ Guy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think you're right. That smell doesn't indicate anything good, and only time will tell.