Saturday, November 29, 2014

Fracking Industry Needs To Be Watched Much More Closely And Might Be Responsible For Deaths In Major Earthquakes!!!

Let us start todays EQ Blog with This Weeks EQ Podcast all about Fracking in Oklahoma causing earthquakes in Haiti, Eureka, and Napa, California!!! CLICK Arrow, Todays Blog Follows:

Yesterdays EQ Blog talked all about movement of the tectonic plate or plates and earthquake energy being thusly transmitted across continents and etc. and ending up in adjoining places such as Haiti, Eureka, Napa and probably others. You could say I more or less left the readers full well knowing that fracking in Oklahoma is now causing earthquakes in California and some other places, too. Now, you might want to say maybe, or one commenter used the term "Contributing Factor" but for the sake of this blog let us beyond this point talk in terms of fracking causing a lot of earthquakes and of course there being other factors as all of my regular readers already know.

So, fracking caused the Haiti Earthquake. . . does that make the fracking industry now an accessory to the upwards of 220,000 deaths in that country from that earthquake? And if so, what percentage of the blame should Oklahoma and their otherwise mildly innocent fracking miners be responsible for? Should a now regular consortium of California, Los Angeles, San Francisco, or Caribbean Seismologists take up residence in Oklahoma and REGULARLY MONITOR the situation there? One way would be to routinely tour the hydraulic fracture mines and keep a close eye on the water pressure being used. This will keep pressure off at least some of the underground rock formations, but are we sure the amount of pressure has that much to do with why it is shaking so much?

Finally, legislation and lots of laws concerning the movement or bumping of tectonic plates or disturbances of rock formations between Oklahoma and Reno, Oklahoma and Mammoth Lakes, Oklahoma and Yellowstone, and Oklahoma and Haiti will need to be enacted immediately. Methods will need to be found at once to extract oil from those regions WITHOUT any disturbance whatsoever of the bedrock layers connecting Oklahoma. . . with San Francisco!!! It is a fact that California can no longer wait for Oklahoma to just keep fracking at the unwarranted pace of 2009 through 2014 and effective immediately they may need to cease all activity until this situation can be adequately addressed and FULLY resolved.

There might be other places around the world where fracking is going on, but I think we more than know Oklahoma is guilty and pretty much all those others, even including some in California, do not seem to be producing the same number of earthquakes in the middle of their oil fields as Oklahoma IS, and therefore let us concentrate on the effect the Oklahoma Earthquakes seem to be having on California. During the years I worked in California I do not recall ever having heard of swarms! Today they are now all too common and I am convinced it is the result of fracking and want the swarms to end before they cause the next big California Earthquake!!! EQ Guy

Check Out My E-Book "Bringing Earthquakes To Life" @ Thank-You For Reading!!! EQ Guy

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