Wednesday, December 15, 2021


December 15, 2021
Fm: Les Brown, The EQ Guy

Hello Again Today Whomever!!!
       As some of you may know in the past I have done a fairly great job of correlating tornadoes and occasionally a tornado outbreak, with some good-sized earthquakes!!!  Today I’m submitting a quick outline in the form of an “Official Prediction”
       Thank-You Again!!!   Sincerely, Les Brown


Prior to this writing I’ve just gone back and looked up the now famous “El Reno, Oklahoma Tornado” of May 31, 2013 because from memory I recall having had a really great prediction for an earthquake following that big windstorm and knew it involved islands of “Antigua, and Barbuda”!   Link to the specific blog entry from my EQ Blog@   That tornado May 31, 2013 and the resultant earthquake if I may was a 4.8 there on June 9, 2013 or Day 9 after the El Reno Tornado!   I’ll have you all know Antigua was located by me with my “Straight-Line” Tool, or my “Go Straight Method” of tracking about the Exact Track from El Reno in the direction that tornado was headed and in this case if you follow religiously the “Theoretical Line Of Potential Seismic Energy” comes out at Antigua.

Today I’m talking about now several lines of tornadoes with the main line having crossed and struck the Reelfoot Lake Region, and directly hitting at Tiptonville!!!  Both places where much activity involving the now historic New Madrid Earthquake series of earthquakes that struck in 1811-1812 without going all through dates of the several Major Earthquakes involved in that Great Earthquake!!!   Not having much to do with tornadoes today, I later discovered that series of Major Earthquakes at New Madrid to have been preceded by “Severe Winter Conditions” and go on to believe such a shaky place may also be affected by a few other things that I know to be causes of earthquakes including today tornadoes.
One, what I refer to as a very famous correlation was the now great “Landers Earthquake” at a 7.3 which struck near Los Angeles on June 28, 1992 following the now Great Tornado Outbreak of June 14 through June 18, 1992 or on about Day 10 to Day 14 thereafter.

Finally, no time to go all the way back through all my research facing the urgent need to submit all this as soon as possible, I must mention the “Kalamazoo Tornado” of May 13, 1980 which came to precede eruption of Mt. St. Helens on May 18, 1908 or Day 5 which will be December 16, 2021 early morning hours for the same number of days with regards to the correlation of Kalamazoo Tornado/Mt. St. Helens!!!   Correlation between Landers/1992 Tornado Outbreak will be between December 20, 2021, and December 24, 2021 and correlation date of El Reno/Antigua-Barbuda will be late on the night of December 19, early morning hours of December 20, 2021.  Therefore please allow me to assert by way of my now great theories and especially my “Go Straight Theory” for such brand-new “Potential Seismic or Earthquake Energy” to somehow travel from the path of those biggest windstorms and result in “Precision Plate Tectonics” and possibly a Major Earthquake and at least one of the paths shows East Coast and regions of New York at the top of (My) the theoretical line.  The line also extends southwest to Mexico near Chihuahua, and La Paz.  Since at press time of this particular writing it appears there are multiple paths, some other places that won’t all be mentioned herein could be affected!  Having not spent a lot of time confirming the following, I now see Auckland New Zealand, Tasmania, Kenya, and Morocco and possibly Madagascar along this theoretical line.  And with all due respect the line from the utmost tornado damage including at Mayfield, Kentucky goes on to appear crossing Washington, D.C. area however note an earlier reading gave New York and there are now several lines which will take me hours and days to accurately give readings on. . . Including but not limited to the tornado that struck Edwardsville, Illinois and struck the Amazon place, there!

There will be Major Earthquakes, and all of the New Madrid Region could be included, and we have long been especially awaiting the next Major New Madrid Earthquake, but will probably need to be aware Los Angeles was struck immediately following the Tornado Outbreak of 1992, too!  It would be in keeping with this “Official Prediction” to add that the “Landers Earthquake” included a few other big earthquakes including a 6.5 Big Bear Lake Shaker bout 3 hours after Landers, and 5.7 Struck Nevada at Little Skull Mountian near Yucca Mountain the next day.

Thank-You again for accepting my writings and helping myself and all my best followers watching for Major Earthquakes!!!!!

Respectfully Submitted this 15th day of December, 2021 by Les Brown, The EQ Guy 


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