Saturday, April 19, 2008

Earthquake Blog: Scroll Down For "Public Enemies" Blog!!!

April 18, 2008

To: All EQ Alert People
From: The EQ Alert Guy

Sorry I didn’t get this sent out earlier this week! I’ve been very, very busy with several projects including a book and movie script about. . . . Well anyways, in the process of it all I didn’t get to write and mention the Alaska Swarm, but I did put the story in my book!
This swarm amounted to about three days of earthquakes out in the Adak Alaska Island region and in between there were several shakers very near Downtown Reno, Nevada. Had I written earlier in the week, I would have written that with all those swarms and the high winds of up to 55 mph, maybe more, there would be a much greater chance of a good sized small earthquake striking like our West Coast.
Of course that Preliminary Hearing kept me very, very busy for much of the week, too, as well as, most of you know, “Public Enemies” and keeping up with all that. Here is a link to the latest earthquakes so you can follow all the earthquakes in Illinois:

And incase anybody wants to view the Public Enemies Blog, which if you read all through it you will see what I said about earthquakes in the comments section, here is that link and it is a very good blog, too!!!:
Finally, there is presently a typhoon by the name of: TYPHOON 02W (NEOGURI) that is heading north out of the Indian Ocean and with gusts of wind up to 90 Knots, that would translate roughly to a smaller number of mph, there may now be some potential seismic activity coming. This would especially be for like Japan and possibly China and Indonesia, and also Alaska, Seattle and then California down the road.
Don’t forget that Full Moon on April 20th or like Sunday night and that could cause potential seismic energy to be released, however I don’t really think there will be any for most of North America, but still be aware of the full moon and it’s newly correlated effects just the same. And Thank-You, everybody, for reading!!!

Respectfully, EQ Guy


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The EQ Alert Guy said...

I'm using this page to login, that guy turned out to be some kind of an ad?????

Moviestar/EQ Guy