Monday, April 14, 2008

I Got The Part In “Public Enemies”!!!!!

Nothing really happening today as far as earthquakes are concerned, but I did get a call today from casting in Chicago about that part in the movie “Public Enemies”!!!
I had gone to Chicago, after checking the date I can say, in Mid-February to see the casting people and have a couple of digital shots taken to be sent to the director. At that time they needed guys to play jail inmates for both Indiana and Joliet. Of Course you know if you read Rods “Public Enemies Blog” that they already shot the scenes in Indiana now going on quite some time ago. Today was supposed to be the first of the dates for the Joliet shoot, so I decided to call them this morning.
Naturally, most of them were, as we all know by now, up in Oshkosh as the girl who answered the phone told me. The good news was that my name IS on the board for Joliet and so she said it would now be scheduled for around the first couple weeks in June. (This would be the old Joliet State Penitentiary where they shot among other things “The Blues Brothers“, and methinks some of “Prison Break.“ I think it could also be “Statesville Prison” too but I’m not sure. )
Because some of you guys write other journals and stuff and because not too many people ever actually read mine (about 140 so far) I want to ask that you don’t give out the dates. You might say “more towards the end of the shoot” or something like “quite a ways down the road, yet” but try not to say the days I just told you, because you all know how they like to keep that a secret! Of course, obviously it won’t be a secret much longer anyway, but for now, Thank-You!!!
So, I went and got a haircut today finally since it’s now been growing out for them as they requested since mid-February and so it can look nice now for a few days and very easily grow out by June and probably be the perfectly inspirational Inmate/Convict that I have been cast as! The girl at Cost Cutters asked me all kinds of questions about Johnny Depp and that stuff. I told her about the time I played a prisoner in the movie “Normal Life” where I was “Prisoner 2” standing right next to Luke Perry in the elevator and you can see me in about the last 10 scenes. I told her that they like to put me right next to a lot of the bigger stars that I work with because I had a few of these different classes where they tell you exactly how to behave around stars and she was very surprised when I told her that I was not supposed to talk to the stars. I won’t say no more about that here, please feel free to message me with any questions along those lines, though, and I’ll be glad to answer!!!
If you are just reading my earthquake blog for the first time, I decided to write it after working in Hollywood and finding out there are a lot of earthquakes out there. So as soon as I got back to Wisconsin I wrote a couple books about earthquakes and now have several different websites where people get what I call my Unofficial EQ Alerts. You can read more about that at my Myspace under username earthquakealert all one word. I don’t think links work on blogspot, sorry!!! And if anybody is reading this out where they get earthquakes and you would like to be in my EQ Group and receive all the latest alerts E-Mailed directly to you let me know and I will gladly add you!!!
Thank-You, everybody for reading!!!

EQ Guy

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