Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Over 100 California Earthquakes in 24 Hours of February Full Moon!!! So Far!!! Full Moon Window Continues!!!

Although the exact moment of the February Full Moon passed at 3:10pm Pacific Time on Tuesday, the February Full Moon Window will continue to run through 3:10pm on Wednesday. Didn't really think about it too much before writing todays EQ Blog. . . but that sort of did look like a lot of California Earthquakes and they kept right on coming in, and coming in, and coming in and they are probably continuing to come in like they did while I was writing yesterdays EQ Blog, too! You can say what you want about Oklahoma getting a lot of earthquakes, but this is far more than a hundred in the last 24 hours for California so it looks to me like more than Oklahoma gets as if it is a contest you know.

I have heard that to get the entire list of all of the Oklahoma earthquakes, though, you actually have to go directly to THEIR website and that it does not look like their entire list shows up on the USGS, whereas the California and Nevada ones seem to, as well as an awful lot of Alaska ones when they are really shaking, too!

So, let's continue to watch all though Wednesday now and the February Full Moon Window will officially end at some point later in the day on Wednesday, although we are growing accustomed to adding a few hours so let's just watch all day Wednesday for some Major Shaking and we know we are at least getting a huge list of earthquakes all around California so keep watching there because they can get a lot of them. . . or one big one!!! Be Prepared!!! EQ Guy

WATCH This Weeks Full Moon Video Log Now at YouTube:

Check Out My E-Book "Bringing Earthquakes To Life" @ Thank-You For Reading!!! EQ Guy

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