Wednesday, August 27, 2008

EQ Alert: West Coast, California, Mexico, Central America!!!

I just saw on National Earthquake Information Center, NEIC, that there is presently a major earthquake swarm currently striking Vancouver Island. This swarm was at over 50 Richters Magnitude as of about an hour ago. As I have been stating, I suppose mostly via the “Twitter” network, where I also receive all my earthquake notifications but coincidentally also where anyone who had Senator Obamas notifications would also have gotten his big text message this weekend. I have been “Twittering” that there were major foreshocks at the top of the Indian Ocean/Australian Tectonic Plate in the last few days and that I am fairly certain this major potential seismic energy is now heading for our West Coast!!!
I have adjusted the magnitude for this shaker to around 7.6 Richters, but want to add that it is right about now pushing down on the North American tectonic plate, which could scrape against the Pacific Plate at the San Francisco or Los Angeles area at any time. It will ultimately push the North American plate down on Southern Mexico and Central America also.
Hurricane Gustav is threatening to become a major hurricane, so all West Coast people and everybody might be affected if this gets too big and causes too much damage and sends it’s potential seismic activity towards California, and creates too much potential seismic energy especially!!!
West Coast, California, Mexico, Central America in the next few days, 7.6 Richters Magnitude. Thank-You, again for reading!!!

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