Tuesday, August 12, 2008

EQ Update: Alaska Volcano, Full Moon Coming!!!!!

August 12, 2008


I just came across this story, there was a major volcano in Alaska, or possibly still it: http://www.avo.alaska.edu/activity/Kasatochi.php (Sorry I can't get that link to work on Blogspot, name of volcano is Kasatochi, please either look that up or cut and paste that link, Thank-You!!!)

Now, everybody be aware that we are watching for a MAJOR EARTHQUAKE, and i am leaving Indonesia, China, and Japan, and Alaska for the places i suspect

This could be as big as 9 Richters Magnitude. With the night of the Full Moon quickly approaching I must remind everybody that there seems to be a HUGE correlation

If this major shaker hasn't happened by like Saturday (I think the full moon is the 16th) it WILL strike that day practically for certain. When I have added in the Full Moon

I seem to have been even MORE correct, if that is possible! Please follow "eqalert" on the new Twitter service to keep up-to-date, and you can keep up with all

the latest earthquakes by adding "EarthquakeNews" and clicking on "Notification" this will send a text message to your cell phone for practically every earthquake, and

"EQTW" for shakers over like 5 Richters. You can also turn notifications OFF and ON by texting "OFF EarthquakeNews" when those big swarms start because that causes

a lot of text messages and my phone chimes all the time, but I now know when every earthquake has struck!!! I suppose that's why I'm. . .

The EQ Alert Guy

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