Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Add Mount Saint Helens!!!!!

Well, I managed to find the exact location of the island of Iwo Jima and correct me if I'm wrong the exact location is very near 140 Degrees East Longitude and positioned about one hundred miles North of the Tropic of Cancer there very near that longitudinal line. So I immediately realligned my readings and came up with the earthquake energy crossing onto the North American Tectonic Plate right near the mouth of the Columbia River when I realized that I had not mentioned Mount St. Helens at all up to this point. Mount St. Helens is a volcano and it tends to become active especially anytime there is a lot of earthquake energy heading directly for it. However I normally like to add to that by saying that the earthquake energy heading across the Pacific does NOT know where the volcano is. . . and as a result will just continue on across the Pacific. Only if this energy is a direct hit will this volcano activate with possibly smaller eruptions for shakers that occur very near St. Helens. Until then be watching out everybody from Seattle/Olympia, Washington, to about Coos Bay, Oregon and including the area around the Mount St. Helens Volcano, for a major earthquake around 6.5 Richters that could very well strike at any moment between now and Saturday as my Official Prediction stated. Be Prepared!!! EQ Guy

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