Friday, June 15, 2012

Texas Gets Shaker! Final Days of O.P. Coming!!!

It was on the last day of my Official Prediction for a Major Shaker by January 12, 2010 that the Haiti earthquake occured so now would be a good time to take note that I had been watching Oklahoma recently and they have now had 3 shakers that just so happened to strike! Early today there was a 3.1 Richters Shaker 16 Miles South of Fort Worth, Texas and very, very near the town that I posted by name: Abilene! Also those Oklahoma shakers came so close to Sayer, Shattuck, and Buffalo Oklahoma that I might say very close. So continue to watch the Northwest U.S. there is still about a 6.5 out there that could turn into a 7.6 Richters Shaker! Be Prepared! EQ Guy

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