Friday, October 25, 2013

6.7 at South Sandwich Islands, 5.5 Bamboo Flatt, India, and 1.9 Tecate!!!

I know the 1.9 doesn't really belong in the headline, it's just the part about Tecate, Mexico getting a direct hit that struck me as worthwhile to include it there. Tiny town that I traveled to at one time just to check it out and found myself checking it out from the United States side of a chain link fence that cordones the town off from potential U.S. visitors. Methinks it was also once a brand of beer, maybe? 8 miles west of Tecate and before I read on I already had it figured out in my head that it must also have been. . . yes, 14 miles east of Tijuana! Just so happened to have actually worked on a water treatment plant there on the border actually about 75 feet from the fence on the San Diego side with the Mexican Border Patrol watching us all day long with machine guns! Fairly awesome experience though just the same and seeing the sunrise over the mountains to the east every morning also a great experience!

So, for tonight I mostly want to stress that the 6.7 at the South Sandwich Islands, and the 5.5 at Bamboo Flatt, India, tells me for a fact that there IS something major moving around those tectonic plates and to watch all the places we have been watching for a while longer yet! Landfall of Hurricane Francisco at Japan never happened and I just finished writing NA on that one on my sheet, so no direct strikes at our West Coast on the schedule! However there is still plenty of movement along that tectonic plate boundary albeit a somewhat different form of earthquake energy. . . it could still mean a Major Earthquake heading for our West Coast!!! Thank-You for Reading!!! EQ Guy


Anonymous said...

So when a 7.3 strikes Japan is that a release of the energy that's built up? Or is that just a precursor to something bigger to happen shortly?

The EQ Alert Guy said...

Thank-You for your question! When Earthquake Energy is released it is generally because it has built-up. A 7.3 will only rarely be a precursor and then only when looking back at it from the point of view of a bigger one that has happened. As of this writing there is no way to positively identify a 7.3 or any earthquake as a "Precursor" only after the fact.
There is always earthquake energy building up per se all around the world and a 7.3 indicates a lot of it was building up!!! But as far as MORE Coming??? That is something we need to always be aware of.
Thank-You Again for your question!!! EQ Guy