Sunday, October 6, 2013

Earthquakes at Indonesia and Joshua Tree, California!!! Huge Indonesian Volcano??? Watch Typhoon Danas!!!

The earthquakes are now striking all along the tectonic plate boundary that is outlined by most of the Indonesian Country there along the inside edge of that curved tectonic plate. Looks sort of like the whole thing might be moving to the east and that could mean some actual thrust faulting along the Andaman and Nicobar Islands Region, but then again that is only the guess work of an old self-proclaimed "Earth Mechanic," you know! This is a somewhat unusual movement that I haven't ever seen in just the small number of years I have been watching this plate for movement. Could mean one of those volcanoes along that ridge there could be the result of all this Major Earthquake Energy. So add watching for a Huge Indonesian Volcano to the list of all the other things that could be shaking in the coming days, now.

Today it was reported that they had up to 4 feet of snow up in the Dakotas, 70 mph winds, as well as 17 tornadoes. Right at the moment that would mean a new Official Prediction for California. . . but I want to wait and see if we hear the temperatures going back up in the Dakotas and if all that snow melts. While that could cause some flash flooding, it is also how we know it should be reducing all that new weight on the tectonic plate that might otherwise push down on the San Andreas Fault and possibly be the cause of todays shaking at Joshua Tree!!!

Couple more storms to watch for more incidental earthquake energy yet but it doesn't look right now like T.S. Karen in the Gulf of Mexico is going to become one. Still Fitow and Danas are both going to be threats. . . with Typhoon Danas potentially threatening California very soon!!! Looking BIG, too!!! EQ Guy

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