Monday, October 29, 2012

7.7 Queen Charlotte!!! Hurricane Sandy Making Landfall!!! MORE Earthquake Energy Coming!!!

In January of 2010 there was a big shaker at Eureka, California and I had mentioned that it could be movement of the North American Tectonic Plate. . . then a couple days later the Haiti Earthquake struck! Today I want to say that last nights 7.7 Queen Charlotte Island Earthquake near Vancouver could ALSO be that type of movement of the North American Tectonic Plate and Jamaica, Haiti, Puerto Rico, or many Islands in the Caribbean could shake next!!!!! It had also occured to me that because I was watching Fairbanks, Edmonton, and New Madrid. . . that when the Queen Charlotte Earthquake struck, maybe we should move the line over to Oklahoma/Texas? That would be a fairly big earthquake for that region with a 7.7 as a foreshock you know! So everybody in those very, very shaky places should be prepared! EQ Guy

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