Thursday, October 4, 2012

Major Shaker near French Guiana!!! Watch New Madrid, too!!!

Just had a series of Major Shakers offshore from French Guiana!!!!! See Here: IF you've been following me closely then you know we've been watching French Guiana, and Surinam closely. There just could be something major that strikes those regions very soon! Additionally we have just added Fairbanks, Edmonton, New Madrid, and Jamaica at around 6.5 or 7 Richters. This has to be about the very first time that I have actually seen New Madrid on this list for the fact that earthquake energy is going directly through it!!!??? So, while it seems far out. . . my die hard followers already know that one of these guys will likely end up getting this earthquake and that sometime in the future we should alert the people whenever there is earthquake energy heading for them!!! Thank-You Again for reading!!! EQ Guy

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