Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Letter To "California Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council"

January 20, 2010

The California Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council
The National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council

The EQ Alert Guy

Today I just want to write to you guys and say that the weather is now calling for like about ten feet of snow out in the mountains. I guess there has also been some weather striking out around the Southern California area. Beyond this point it will be possible for the coming days that there could potentially be more seismic energy released out in the California area, but that it would probably not be necessary for me to pick like a random date for such an event to occur, like “Oh, probably sometime this week or next” is not really the impression I feel I need to make right now after having a really good Official Prediction in which I was saying “Major earthquake will happen” and other assertions prior to both the Eureka and Haiti earthquakes that both happened in the window of my December 22, 2009 submission.

So, for a little while yet, let’s be watching for maybe another earthquake, but I will not say before February 2, 2010 which is about the likely end date, but since we are now talking about brand new winter conditions that are just happening as of this writing, it will now take a new length of time for this seismic energy to travel at whatever rate seismic energy travels at to the tectonic plate boundary, again. The previous severe winter conditions having now been like a month ago, it is possible that another California earthquake like Eureka will not occur, nor another Haiti: at least not like the sure thing that those earthquakes were when you consider how the North American Tectonic Plate was moving at the time. Most likely it is sort of like the ground has now settled and could instead now push against the Pacific Tectonic Plate, so if there was a Global Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council I might tell them Japan would be inline for a major shaker, and the Kobe/Hanshin earthquake was a January earthquake, striking on January 17, 1995. I’d like to point out that at that time, I was already successfully tracking potential seismic energy from the severe winter conditions that preceded that huge earthquake!!!

Thank-You, again!!!

The EQ Alert Guy

1 comment:

viagra online said...

in some way this freak me, why a group of expert know about an earthquake that not yet happen, I hope for more predictions like this maybe I have a chance to survive to the next nature disaster.